You see that a particular company has visted your website several times in the past few days, so you decide to call them. A receptionist answers the phone. Which of the following would be the BEST way to proceed?
Below is the answer and explanation for you see that a particular company has visted your website several times in the past few days, so you decide to call them. A receptionist answers the phone. Which of the following would be the best way to proceed?
You see that a particular company has visted your website several times in the past few days, so you decide to call them. A receptionist answers the phone. Which of the following would be the best way to proceed?
- Say, “hi, my name is [name], and I’m calling from [company]. We’ve received a number of inquiries on our website from someone at your company, but they didn’t leave a name. We provide . Do you know who at your organization would be looking into that right now?” ✅
- Say, “hi, I sell . Can you please direct me to the person who can help me with that?”
- Try again later. Receptionists rarely have purchasing authority, and it’s important to focus on speaking to qualified people.
- Describe the benefits of your offering and try to get the receptionist’s buy-in. Then ask to be referred to the appropriate buyer.
Correct answer
Say, “hi, my name is [name], and I’m calling from [company]. We’ve received a number of inquiries on our website from someone at your company, but they didn’t leave a name. We provide . Do you know who at your organization would be looking into that right now?” ✅
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