World Motherâs Day â 8th May, 2022
When is World Motherâs Day 2022?
World motherâs day will be celebrated on May 8, 2022, which is the second Sunday of May 2022. It is celebrated on different days in different parts of the world, but most countries celebrate it according to the date set by the USA.
World Motherâs Day
World motherâs day is commemorated to celebrate motherhood and the role of mothers in society. It is celebrated on different dates in different parts of the World, but it is usually celebrated in most countries on the second week of May.
The dates may differ, but the concept remains the same that is to express your love for your mothers, who play an unparalleled role in your life. Mother is the only figure in our lives who puts us before herself and always make sure to get the best for her children. The role of the mother often goes unnoticed, and thus a day to honor her services and sacrifices is very important. It is impossible to pay her back, but your gratitude for her is enough to make her day.
History of Worldâs Motherâs Day
Celebrations of world motherâs day date back to ancient Greece and Rome times when the mother deities Rhea and Cybele were honored along with different festivals.
The current day is derived from the early Christian holiday known as Mothering Sunday.
On this day, it was customary for the people to go to the church near their homes and pray. This European tradition was observed on the fourth Sunday of Lent.
Mothering Sunday evolved into a more secular event in which children would offer their moms flowers and other presents throughout this time. In the 1930s and 1940s, this ritual merged with American motherâs day.
Julia Ward Howe, who was the author of âThe Battle Hymn of the Republic,â became the editor of Womanâs Journal in 1872, a famous womenâs liberation publication. She authored an appeal to womanhood throughout the world during that period, known as the motherâs day proclamation. Following the civil war and the Franco-Prussian War, the declaration urged women to struggle for world peace.
On June 2, Howe attempted but failed to initiate a âmotherâs dayâ celebration. Howe proposed a motherâs day celebration every July 4, two decades later. This was similarly unsuccessful, although it laid the groundwork for a future attempt.
After her mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, died in 1905, Anna Jarvis was successful in establishing motherâs day. Jarvis suggested that motherâs day include a single possessive so that each family may recognize its mother rather than all moms.
In May 1908, Jarvis, who had never married and had no children, arranged the first formal motherâs day celebration. John Wanamaker, the proprietor of a department shop in Philadelphia, contributed money to the cause. Thousands of people attended a motherâs day celebration at one of Wanamakerâs locations the same month.
Jarvis quickly fought to create motherâs day, a national holiday, enlisting the help of influential Americans. Motherâs day had become an annual celebration in several states, cities, and churches of the USA by 1912.
Jarvis also founded the International Motherâs Day Association. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May as motherâs day. In the early 1920s, Hallmark began offering motherâs day cards.
How Jarvis Commercialized Motherâs Day?
The central concept of celebrating motherâs day was to show affection to the mother and spend some time with her. Anne Jarvis, the founder of motherâs day, initially called motherâs day a time when it was customary to wear a white carnation and visit church and home, but soon she made a mistake.
She mistakenly commercialized the day with many floral and gift companies who helped her in the cause, but she soon regretted that decision and started a campaign against them. She spent the rest of her life fighting against them by educating people and launching lawsuits against them. Right before she died in 1948, she said she regretted her efforts to give origin to motherâs day in the first place.
Now, floral companies benefit most from motherâs day, and most flowers and cards are sold on motherâs day.
How to Celebrate World Motherâs Day?
The tradition of celebrating world motherâs day is for the rest of the family, except the mother does all the chores. Usually, they prepare a dinner compromising her favorite dish and presents of her choice. There are also other ways to celebrate motherâs day as follows:
Spend Some Time With Her
According to a survey, most mothers want to spend time with their children, and that is the best gift you can give her on motherâs day. You can go shopping or spend a day helping her in house chores.
Treat Your Mother
As most mothers want to spend time with their children, the best way to make her day is to take her to her favorite restaurant and treat her to her favorite dish. If thatâs not an option, you can host a small dinner at home.
Give Her a Card and Flowers
You can give her a card and flowers as theyâre a cute and simple way to express your love to your mother and interestingly, cards and flowers are the most common present on motherâs day.
Some Interesting Facts about World Motherâs Day
Here are some of the interesting facts related to world motherâs day:
Motherâs Day is not on the Same Date Every Year
In most countries, including the USA, the motherâs day is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of May, which means that the date of the motherâs day differs every year depending upon which date the 2nd Sunday of may fall on.
Maximum Calls are Made on Motherâs Day
Approximately 122 million calls are made on world motherâs day, the highest number of calls made in a day.
Maximum Flowers are Sold on Motherâs Day
On motherâs day, many people buy flowers and plants for their mothers than on any other festival such as Christmas and valentineâs day. Motherâs day flowers account for around a fifth of all flower purchases. However, Anne Jarvis, the founder of motherâs day, was against this commercialization of this beautiful day.
The Founder of Motherâs Day
The founder of world motherâs day, Anne Jarvis, surprisingly never became a mom but gave us a beautiful day to spend our time with our mother and show her gratitude.
Anne Jarvis Regretted her Decision
Anne Jarvis, who was the founder of world motherâs day, regretted her decision to accidentally commercialize motherâs day, and she admitted that she regretted the idea of giving origin to this day in her last days before her death in 1948.
Maximum Cards are Sold on Motherâs Day
The most popular gift for motherâs day is giving love cards, and about 65% of cards are sold on the occasion of motherâs day. According to a survey, many moms want to spend their time with children or want a gratitude card from them on this day.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Why is motherâs day celebrated differently in various countries?
Motherâs day is celebrated on several dates across the World in various seasons. Some form a line, observing the United Nationsâ official motherâs day date of the second Sunday in May. Others have their traditional festivals and ceremonies known as motherâs day.
Which Flower is Associated with Motherâs Day?
Carnation is the most popular flower for motherâs day gifts. Carnations are associated with motherâs day.
How Many Mothers are There in the World?
There will be approximately 2 billion mothers in the World in 2022.
What are the Symbols of Motherâs Day?
On motherâs day, there are many ways to express gratitude to moms and mother figures. The International Motherâs Day Shrine and white carnations, which Anna Jarvis requested as the official emblem for the day, are among them.
The preservation of motherhood is the focus of this shrine. The building is on the United Statesâ National Register of Historic Places. It strives to conserve, promote, and grow the spirit of motherhood and is housed in Grafton, West Virginia, with a museum.
World motherâs day is celebrated around the World. It may fall on different dates in different regions of the World, but its purpose remains the same! To express love and gratitude for the mothers who work day and night tirelessly without any holidays.
Their love and sacrifices are often ignored, and a day to recognize them is absolute. Even a simple gift or a few words of gratitude are enough to make her day. However, your love must not be restricted to motherâs day only.
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