Why is using the performance targets feature after utilizing the Performance Planner recommended?
Below is the answer and explanation for why is using the performance targets feature after utilizing the performance planner recommended?
Why is using the performance targets feature after utilizing the performance planner recommended?
- This practice allows you to ensure seasonality and budget reallocation are accounted for future periods so you can prevent your campaigns from becoming “limited by budget”.
- This practice allows you to receive detailed insights from Google analytics with regards to how website behavior is impacted after applying performance planner recommendations.
- This practice allows you to fully automate all aspects of account management to improve the likelihood of meeting performance targets.
- This practice allows you to monitor targets set in the performance planner and to receive alerts and recommendations when a campaign is not on track. âś…
Correct answer
This practice allows you to monitor targets set in the performance planner and to receive alerts and recommendations when a campaign is not on track. âś…
It is recommended to use the performance targets feature after utilizing the performance planner. This practice allows you to monitor targets set in the performance planner and to receive alerts and recommendations when a campaign is not on track.
Using the performance targets feature after utilizing the performance planner is recommended. This practice allows you to monitor targets set in the performance planner and to receive alerts and recommendations when a campaign is not on track.
Performance targets allow you to monitor and forecast the overall performance of campaigns so that you’ll know if you’re on track to meet your goals. These targets can be applied on a single-campaign level or to campaign groups.
Given above is the answer and explanation for the question why is using the performance targets feature after utilizing the performance planner recommended?
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Source : justfreetools.com
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