Why can an intermittently available mobile network result in a poor experience?
Below is the answer and explanation for the question why can an intermittently available mobile network result in a poor experience?
Why can an intermittently available mobile network result in a poor experience?
- Enabling wifi reduces battery life
- It uses more data
- Some assets might not be loaded âś…
- It is less secure than wifi
correct answer
Some assets might not be loaded âś…
Your browser behaves as if it has connectivity when, for whatever reason, it doesn’t. Misinterpreted connectivity can result in a poor experience as the browser (or JavaScript) persists in trying to retrieve resources rather than giving up and choosing a sensible fallback. Lie-fi can actually be worse than offline; at least if a device is definitely offline, your JavaScript can take appropriate evasive action.
Read more here: https://support.google.com/partners/answer/7336589[1234]
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