
Which two options must be true to use open optimization? (select two)

Below is the answer and explanation for which two options must be true to use open optimization?

Which two options must be true to use open optimization?

  • More than one row in the feed must be eligible to serve. âś…
  • In “Step 3: manage rules” rotation must be set to “optimized”. âś…
  • Only one row in the feed must be eligible to be served.
  • The dynamic feed must include a row with “optimize” in the cell.

Correct answer

  • More than one row in the feed must be eligible to serve. âś…
  • In “Step 3: manage rules” rotation must be set to “optimized”. âś…


Open optimization allows the ad server to choose the most successful creative version to show on impression. This type of dynamic feed is the simplest to set up. Instead of creating rules or targeting columns to choose which rows of the feed to show, open optimization selects from all rows of the feed. When your campaign first starts, rows are randomly selected from the feed and performance data is gathered by the ad server. When optimization begins, 10% of impressions will continue to show a random selection of the eligible rows to test and explore the different creative versions. That way if another row begins to perform better, it will get selected instead.

The above answer and explanation are for the question which two options must be true to use open optimization?

To learn more about Google campaign certification: Skillshop Google campaign manager certification.

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