Which should David do to better understand how the ads for his local bakery have driven store visits and influenced his customers’ buying habits?
Below is the explanation for which should David do to better understand how the ads for his local bakery have driven store visits and influenced his customers’ buying habits?
Which should David do to better understand how the ads for his local bakery have driven store visits and influenced his customers’ buying habits?
When users click on your local inventory ads, they arrive at your local storefront. Your local storefront is a Google-hosted page that showcases products you have in a store close to the user. The local storefront also highlights information about your company, such as your brand logo and store details like location and hours.
Read more here: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/7027119
The above question and explanation are related to Google shopping certification exam. You can find all the updated Google shopping advertising certification exam answers on the “Google shopping advertising exam answers“. If you find any error or update in question or answers, do comment below and let us know. We will update the answers as soon as possible.
Learn more about Google ads search certification answers: Google ads search skillshop.
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