Which of these formats can be booked cross-screen (mobile and desktop)?
Below is the answer and explanation for the question which of these formats can be booked cross-screen (mobile and desktop)?
Which of these formats can be booked cross-screen (mobile and desktop)?
- A) Rich media custom mastheads
- B) Video mastheads âś…
- C) Rich media layouts mastheads
- D) Video media layout mastheads
correct answer
Video mastheads âś…
Google offers a variety of video formats to meet advertisers’ brand needs. These run seamlessly cross-screen:
- Video masthead — including optional interactivity
- TrueView in-stream ads — skippable pre-rolls and mid-rolls, including optional interactivity features
- Reserve in-stream ads — reservation-booked skippable (In-Stream Select) and non-skippable (standard in-stream) pre- and mid-rolls
- TrueView video discovery ads — Banner template with video thumbnail and text description that drives YouTube video watch page
Read more here: https://support.google.com/partners/answer/6209157?hl=en
The above answer and explanation are related to Google ads video certification. You can find all the updated questions and answers related to Google video ads certification exam on the “Google ads video assessment answers” page. If you find any error or update in questions or answers, do comment below and let us know. We will update the answers as soon as possible.
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