Which ad format supports pre-bid verification with Integral Ad Science?
Below is the answer and explanation for which ad format supports pre-bid verification with integral ad Science?
Which ad format supports pre-bid verification with integral ad Science?
- Bumpers.
- Mobile app.
- Display. âś…
- True view.
Correct answer
Display. âś…
Once third-party media quality verification has been enabled, you can start buying inventory from sites where display & video 360 has IAS classification data. During your campaigns, display & video 360 will determine each impression’s level of brand safety by using the impression’s URL to look up brand safety information from IAS.
The above answer and explanation are for the question which ad format supports pre-bid verification with integral ad Science?
To learn more about Google campaign certification: Skillshop Google campaign manager certification.
Source : justfreetools.com
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