When you have multliple images to support different creative sizes within a single profile, what action should be taken?
Below is the answer and explanation for when you have multliple images to support different creative sizes within a single profile, what action should be taken?
When you have multliple images to support different creative sizes within a single profile, what action should be taken?
- Use a single image and studio will resize automatically.
- Upload the images to asset library to generate the different creative sizes.
- Create one feed and filter by creative dimensions. âś…
- Create one feed per ad size.
Correct answer
Create one feed and filter by creative dimensions. âś…
Filtering by the size of the creative allows you to select the right content for a specific size using a single column.
For example, you may want to use a short headline for a 160 x 600 placement, and a long headline for a 728 x 90 placement. Instead of creating one column for each (“headline_160x600” and “headline_728x90”), create a “dimensions” column and a “headline” column, then use the “dimensions” column to filter your feed and select the correct headline.
The above answer and explanation are for the question when you have multliple images to support different creative sizes within a single profile, what action should be taken?
To learn more about Google campaign certification: Skillshop Google campaign manager certification.
Source : justfreetools.com
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