When a user generates a dynamic preview and receives the error “Can’t show a preview because you haven’t set a default creative or your applied filters don’t match any feed rows,” what first step should be taken to troubleshoot the error?
Below is the answer and explanation for when a user generates a dynamic preview and receives the error “can’t show a preview because you haven’t set a default creative or your applied filters don’t match any feed rows,” what first step should be taken to troubleshoot the error?
When a user generates a dynamic preview and receives the error “can’t show a preview because you haven’t set a default creative or your applied filters don’t match any feed rows,” what first step should be taken to troubleshoot the error?
- Check if the correct feed filtering parameters were applied in the preview panel. âś…
- Re-upload the feed.
- Re-transform the feed.
- Confirm the feed is complete with no warnings.
Correct answer
Check if the correct feed filtering parameters were applied in the preview panel. âś…
The error is received when correct feed filtering parameters are not applied in the preview panel. When a user generates a dynamic preview, make sure the feed filtering parameters are correctly applied otherwise you will see the error “can’t show a preview because you haven’t set a default creative or your applied filters don’t match any feed rows,”.
The above answer and explanation are for the question when a user generates a dynamic preview and receives the error “can’t show a preview because you haven’t set a default creative or your applied filters don’t match any feed rows,” what first step should be taken to troubleshoot the error?
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Source : justfreetools.com
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