
When a report is based on data from a large number of sessions, you may see the following notice at the top of the report:

Below is the answer and explanation for the question when a report is based on data from a large number of sessions, you may see the following notice at the top of the report:

When a report is based on data from a large number of sessions, you may see the following notice at the top of the report:

  • changing the sampling rate in your view settings
  • adjusting a control in the reporting interface for greater or less precision ✅
  • adjusting the session timeout control
  • You cannot adjust the sample data

Correct answer

Adjusting a control in the reporting interface for greater or less precision ✅


Sampling in Google Analytics (or in any analytics software) refers to the practice of selecting a subset of data from your traffic and reporting on the trends detected in that sample set. Sampling is widely used in statistical analysis because analyzing a subset of data gives similar results to an analysis of a complete data set, while returning these results to you more quickly due to reduced processing time.

The above answer and explanation are related to Google Analytics individual qualification exam. You can find all the updated questions and answers related to Google Analytics individual qualification exam on the “Google Analytics individual qualification exam” page. If you find any error or update in question or answers, do comment below and let us know. We will update the answers as soon as possible.

Learn more about Google Analytics individual qualification exam: Google Analytics individual qualification exam at Skillshop

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