What values are included in the targeting column of a remarketing feed?
Below is the answer and explanation for what values are included in the targeting column of a re-marketing feed?
What values are included in the targeting column of a re-marketing feed?
- Floodlight custom variable (“u-var”) values.
- Third-party cookie values.
- Floodlight audience list IDs. âś…
- The advertiser’s cookie values.
Correct answer
Floodlight audience list IDs. âś…
Before you can begin to build your dynamic creative, you first need to add floodlight tags to the webpages where you want to track user activity. The floodlight tags must be created in the same campaign manager account where you’ll push your dynamic creatives. Each floodlight tag should include custom variables that you’ll use to pass re-marketing data to your creatives.A floodlight tag can have up to 100 custom variables (also referred to as u-variables). However, we recommend only using 1 or 2 custom variables in your dynamic strategy.
The above answer and explanation are for the question what values are included in the targeting column of a re-marketing feed?
To learn more about Google campaign certification: Skillshop Google campaign manager certification.
Source : justfreetools.com
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