What step should be taken to view performance data for targeted audience segments?
Below is the answer and explanation for what step should be taken to view performance data for targeted audience segments?
What step should be taken to view performance data for targeted audience segments?
- Generate an audience performance report and select “include only targeted audience lists”. ✅
- Go into the insertion orders default targeting and use the potential reach metric.
- Generate an inventory availability report and filter by all targeted audiences..
- Generate an audience composition report and filter for line items targeting audiences.
Correct answer
Generate an audience performance report and select “include only targeted audience lists”. ✅
Use the audience performance report to see how well your line items performed for the various audience lists available in display & video 360. This report is not available for true view line items.
This report looks at all the users you reached, and groups your impressions, clicks, and conversions by the audience lists those users were in. This includes not only first-party lists, but also third-party lists. To view performance data for targeted audience segments, you need to generate an audience performance report and select “include only targeted audience lists”.
The above answer and explanation are for the question for what step should be taken to view performance data for targeted audience segments?
To learn more about Google campaign certification: Skillshop Google campaign manager certification.
Source : justfreetools.com
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