What profile setting allows Studio to match more than one row on impression?
Below is the answer and explanation for what profile setting allows studio to match more than one row on impression?
What profile setting allows studio to match more than one row on impression?
- Quantity. âś…
- Dependent selection.
- Profile field.
- Auto-filter.
Correct answer
Quantity. âś…
The quantity setting of a dynamic profile is used to indicate the number of rows pulled from the feed on impression. A typical use case for setting the quantity > 1 is when you have a product feed. You may want to select 3 rows from your product feed to populate a product carousel in your ad. In order to do this, you would set the quantity field to 3.
The above answer and explanation are for the question when should the code from “step 4: generate code” be called by a hand-coded dynamic creative?
To learn more about Google campaign certification: Skillshop Google campaign manager certification.
Source : justfreetools.com
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