What kind of positive impact will machine learning have on the advertising industry?
Below is the answer and explanation for what kind of positive impact will machine learning have on the advertising industry?
What kind of positive impact will machine learning have on the advertising industry?
- Machine learning creates company strategies.
- Machine learning measures performance more effectively.
- Machine learning builds great customer relationships.
- Machine learning delivers relevant ads to each customer. âś…
Correct answer
Machine learning delivers relevant ads to each customer. âś…
Machine learning is becoming an invaluable tool as consumer expectations grow for more personalized, relevant, and assistive experiences. It’s helping marketers create smarter customer segmentation, deliver more relevant creative campaigns, and measure performance more effectively.
The above question is related to Google ads app certification. You can find all the updated questions and answers related to Google ads app certification on the “Google ads app certification” page. If you find the update in question or answers, do comment on this page and let us know. I will update the answers as soon as possible.
To learn more about Google ads app certification: Skillshop Google Ads Apps Certification.
Source : justfreetools.com
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