What feature provides audience lists to Display & Video 360 or Google Ads based on search clicks recorded by Search Ads 360?
Below is the answer and explanation for the question what feature provides audience lists to display & video 360 or Google Ads based on search clicks recorded by search ads 360?
What feature provides audience lists to display & video 360 or Google ads based on search clicks recorded by search ads 360?
- Search Ads 360 API
- Attribution
- Google Ads API
- Remarketing lists âś…
correct answer
Remarketing lists âś…
If you use campaign manager to manage your display advertising, you can sign into campaign manager and create audience lists of visitors who complete a floodlight activity on your site. In search ads 360, you can see which campaign manager audience lists are also responding to your search ads. If you see that a display audience generates paid search conversions at a significantly different rate from other audiences, you may be able to increase the efficiency of your search campaigns by setting up search remarketing targets for this audience.
The above answer and explanation are related to Google search ads 360 certification exam. You can find all the updated questions and answers related to Google search ads 360 on the “Google search ads 360 assessment answers” page. If you find any error or update in questions or answers, do comment below and let us know. We will update the answers as soon as possible.
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