Under-delivery refers to the outcomes of lesser delivery impressions, users, and conversions than the initial amount agreed for a certain period.
Under-delivery can be a consequence of several occurrences. A website or any other network may encounter a significant decrease in traffic. Administrators can bolster lower CPM operations for higher CPM operations. Raising payments for performances is also essential for any CPM campaign. Additional dangers include the productive outlets that are not able to stimulate an expected standard of response.
It is typically desirable to develop strategies for an under-delivery before the fulfillment of an advertising buy, instead of attempting to quarrel on a decided arrangement after the process.
Helpful Articles to Understand Underdelivery:
Makegood, Shmakegood
ClickZ (June 15, 2001)
The Inevitable Underdelivery Problem
ClickZ (October 10, 2001)
Dealing With Underdelivery
ClickZ (October 11, 2000)
How to Deal With Underdelivery
ClickZ (November 30, 2000)
Check out other Glossary Articles on Online Advertising Glossary and Digital Marketing Glossary
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