True or false: shopping Ads use Merchant Center product data to decide how and where to show ads.
Below is the answer and explanation for true or false: shopping ads use merchant center product data to decide how and where to show ads.
True or false: shopping ads use merchant center product data to decide how and where to show ads.
- True.
- False. âś…
Correct answer
False. âś…
This statement about using the merchant center data for shopping ads in false. Shopping ads use your existing merchant center product data but not the generic data from other merchant centers. Shopping ads does not use keywords to decide how and where to show your ads.
Given above is the answer and explanation for the question true or false: shopping ads use merchant center product data to decide how and where to show ads.
Read all the Google ads search certification answers.
Learn more about google ads search certification: Google ads search Skillshop
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