

Conversion rate (CVR) – what is conversion rate and how is CVR calculated (exact formula)?

A conversion rate is a marketing metric that quantifies the proportion of instances when a user successfully completed a desired action, usually expressed as a percentage. What is a conversion ...

A conversion rate is a marketing metric that quantifies the proportion of instances when a user successfully completed a desired action, usually expressed as a percentage. What is a conversion Read article

Principles and topology of web integration

This article outlines the basic ways of linking (integration) of systems/applications that meet integration criteria. It also defines what integration is not. Also, you should not miss the previous part ...

This article outlines the basic ways of linking (integration) of systems/applications that meet integration criteria. It also defines what integration is not. Also, you should not miss the previous part Read article

How do we balance comprehensive content with the desire for easy to navigate websites?

Below is the answer and explanation for how do we balance comprehensive content with the desire for easy to navigate websites? How do we balance comprehensive content with the desire for easy to navigate websites? Decide on ...

Below is the answer and explanation for how do we balance comprehensive content with the desire for easy to navigate websites? How do we balance comprehensive content with the desire for easy to navigate websites? Decide on Read article

5 Tips for UX design pop-ups to improve user experience on your website

All profit-driven online stores are determined to get more conversions from their website visitors, encouraging them to purchase or at least subscribe. Numerous e-commerce stores are using onsite retargeting to ...

All profit-driven online stores are determined to get more conversions from their website visitors, encouraging them to purchase or at least subscribe. Numerous e-commerce stores are using onsite retargeting to Read article

Fill in the blank. It’s not wise to index search result pages because _____

Below is the answer and explanation for fill in the blank. it’s not wise to index search result pages because. Fill in the blank. it’s not wise to index search result pages because. Google prefers them over ...

Below is the answer and explanation for fill in the blank. it’s not wise to index search result pages because. Fill in the blank. it’s not wise to index search result pages because. Google prefers them over Read article