
schema markup

Private marketplace (PMP) – what is private marketplace and what is PMP used for?

Private marketplaces (PMPs) are exclusive auctions curated by publishers, where a limited audience of advertisers is selected. PMPs provide publishers with greater control over ad placement and often offer premium ...

Private marketplaces (PMPs) are exclusive auctions curated by publishers, where a limited audience of advertisers is selected. PMPs provide publishers with greater control over ad placement and often offer premium Read article

What is the difference between CPM (cost per mile) and CPT (cost per thousand) metrics?

CPM (cost per mile) and CPT (cost per thousand) represent the same model - the price for a thousand impressions. This marketing term refers to the cost of 1,000 display ...

CPM (cost per mile) and CPT (cost per thousand) represent the same model - the price for a thousand impressions. This marketing term refers to the cost of 1,000 display Read article

Dr. Dave Driscoll, a very credible and well respected authority on dentistry, just linked to a blog post that you wrote about how to floss from his website. When Google assesses the authority of your post and recognizes the link from Dr. Driscoll’s website, which search engine function is at play?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the recommended format for implementing schema markup? What is the recommended format for implementing schema markup? Google tag manager. HTML. JSON-LD. ✅ None of the above. Correct answer ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the recommended format for implementing schema markup? What is the recommended format for implementing schema markup? Google tag manager. HTML. JSON-LD. ✅ None of the above. Correct answer Read article

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