
return on investment

Conversion rate (CVR) – what is conversion rate and how is CVR calculated (exact formula)?

A conversion rate is a marketing metric that quantifies the proportion of instances when a user successfully completed a desired action, usually expressed as a percentage. What is a conversion ...

A conversion rate is a marketing metric that quantifies the proportion of instances when a user successfully completed a desired action, usually expressed as a percentage. What is a conversion Read article

Real-time bidding (RTB) – what is real-time bidding and what is it used for?

Demand-side platforms (DSPs) are utilized to automate the bidding for ad impressions, a process that takes place in real-time within the small window of time between a prospect landing on ...

Demand-side platforms (DSPs) are utilized to automate the bidding for ad impressions, a process that takes place in real-time within the small window of time between a prospect landing on Read article

Marketing ROI – what is the (marketing) return on investment and how is ROI and MROI calculated?

ROI, short for return on investment, is a widely used metric in business to assess the effectiveness of investments in generating revenue. At its core, ROI measures the ratio of ...

ROI, short for return on investment, is a widely used metric in business to assess the effectiveness of investments in generating revenue. At its core, ROI measures the ratio of Read article

What is the difference between CPM (cost per mile) and CPT (cost per thousand) metrics?

CPM (cost per mile) and CPT (cost per thousand) represent the same model - the price for a thousand impressions. This marketing term refers to the cost of 1,000 display ...

CPM (cost per mile) and CPT (cost per thousand) represent the same model - the price for a thousand impressions. This marketing term refers to the cost of 1,000 display Read article

What can the Performance Planner assist you with?

Below is the answer and explanation for what can the performance planner assist you with? What can the performance planner assist you with? To create an optimized copy of your existing campaign, so that it can be ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what can the performance planner assist you with? What can the performance planner assist you with? To create an optimized copy of your existing campaign, so that it can be Read article