
Quantitative analysis

Conversion rate (CVR) – what is conversion rate and how is CVR calculated (exact formula)?

A conversion rate is a marketing metric that quantifies the proportion of instances when a user successfully completed a desired action, usually expressed as a percentage. What is a conversion ...

A conversion rate is a marketing metric that quantifies the proportion of instances when a user successfully completed a desired action, usually expressed as a percentage. What is a conversion Read article

What are the three high-level steps of the user research process?

Below is the answer and explanation for what are the three high-level steps of the user research process? What are the three high-level steps of the user research process? Develop user questions, perform research, analyze and report ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what are the three high-level steps of the user research process? What are the three high-level steps of the user research process? Develop user questions, perform research, analyze and report Read article