


Newsletter is a term used in English to refer to a regularly distributed publications, usually focused on one main topic of interest to its subscribers (news, important summaries, or updates). ...

Newsletter is a term used in English to refer to a regularly distributed publications, usually focused on one main topic of interest to its subscribers (news, important summaries, or updates). Read article

ATT – App Tracking Transparency – what is it?

App Tracking Transparency (ATT) is Apple's privacy framework that requires iOS apps to obtain user consent before sharing their data. It introduced a popup where users can choose to allow ...

App Tracking Transparency (ATT) is Apple's privacy framework that requires iOS apps to obtain user consent before sharing their data. It introduced a popup where users can choose to allow Read article

Push notifications

Push notifications are clickable messages sent by an app to your mobile device or desktop. They are designed to capture user attention and deliver time-sensitive or important information, even when ...

Push notifications are clickable messages sent by an app to your mobile device or desktop. They are designed to capture user attention and deliver time-sensitive or important information, even when Read article

Opt-In Email

Definition: An Opt-in email refers to an email that is precisely demanded by the recipient. Information: What an opt-in email means has been a hot topic since the beginning. “Single opt-in” vs. “Double opt-in” The phrase single opt-in refers to the ...

Definition: An Opt-in email refers to an email that is precisely demanded by the recipient. Information: What an opt-in email means has been a hot topic since the beginning. “Single opt-in” vs. “Double opt-in” The phrase single opt-in refers to the Read article

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