
oogle ads display certification knowledge check assessment answers

Chanara, a senior account manager at a large digital agency, likes having an Google Ads manager account. What can she do with a manager account that she can’t do with an individual account?

Below is the answer and explanation for Chanara, a senior account manager at a large digital agency, likes having an Google ads manager account. What can she do with a manager account that she can’t do with ...

Below is the answer and explanation for Chanara, a senior account manager at a large digital agency, likes having an Google ads manager account. What can she do with a manager account that she can’t do with Read article

An advertiser targeting only France determines that clicks have been received from people in Switzerland. Why might this happen?

Below is the answer and explanation for an advertiser targeting only France determines that clicks have been received from people in Switzerland. Why might this happen? An advertiser targeting only France determines that clicks have been received ...

Below is the answer and explanation for an advertiser targeting only France determines that clicks have been received from people in Switzerland. Why might this happen? An advertiser targeting only France determines that clicks have been received Read article

Small-business owner Marcos set up his Google Ads campaign by thinking of “obvious” keywords off of the top of his head. What’s one way he might improve them?

Below is the answer and explanation for small-business owner Marcos set up his Google ads campaign by thinking of “obvious” keywords off of the top of his head. What’s one way he might improve them?\ Small-business owner ...

Below is the answer and explanation for small-business owner Marcos set up his Google ads campaign by thinking of “obvious” keywords off of the top of his head. What’s one way he might improve them?\ Small-business owner Read article

You’re reviewing the campaigns of a new client who wants to better promote his child daycare facility to parents researching childcare on their mobile devices.

Below is the answer and explanation for you’re reviewing the campaigns of a new client who wants to better promote his child daycare facility to parents researching childcare on their mobile devices. You’re reviewing the campaigns of ...

Below is the answer and explanation for you’re reviewing the campaigns of a new client who wants to better promote his child daycare facility to parents researching childcare on their mobile devices. You’re reviewing the campaigns of Read article

Your average bid is £10 and you’ve enabled enhanced cost-per-click bidding (ECPC). Assuming you haven’t set any bid adjustments, ECPC can raise your bid to which amount when Google Ads sees an auction that’s more likely to lead to a sale?

Below is the answer and explanation for your average bid is £10 and you’ve enabled enhanced cost-per-click bidding (ECPC). Assuming you haven’t set any bid adjustments, ECPC can raise your bid to which amount when Google ads ...

Below is the answer and explanation for your average bid is £10 and you’ve enabled enhanced cost-per-click bidding (ECPC). Assuming you haven’t set any bid adjustments, ECPC can raise your bid to which amount when Google ads Read article

You’re reviewing the paid & organic search report for a client who runs a Maui snorkeling tour business, and you see that her business appears only in organic search for queries such as “boat snorkeling tour” and “beachside snorkeling tour.”

Below is the answer and explanation for you’re reviewing the paid & organic search report for a client who runs a Maui snorkeling tour business, and you see that her business appears only in organic search for ...

Below is the answer and explanation for you’re reviewing the paid & organic search report for a client who runs a Maui snorkeling tour business, and you see that her business appears only in organic search for Read article

Search terms report data shows that people who click on ads promoting your prescription glasses were searching for terms like “wine glasses” and “drinking glasses.”

Below is the answer and explanation for search terms report data shows that people who click on ads promoting your prescription glasses were searching for terms like “wine glasses” and “drinking glasses.” Search terms report data shows ...

Below is the answer and explanation for search terms report data shows that people who click on ads promoting your prescription glasses were searching for terms like “wine glasses” and “drinking glasses.” Search terms report data shows Read article