
Line item

To duplicate a line item, what steps must be taken?

Below is the answer and explanation for to duplicate a line item, what steps must be taken? To duplicate a line item, what steps must be taken? Select the line item, click “action,” and then “bulk edit”. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for to duplicate a line item, what steps must be taken? To duplicate a line item, what steps must be taken? Select the line item, click “action,” and then “bulk edit”. Read article

How are creatives assigned to a line item?

Below is the answer and explanation for how are creatives assigned to a line item? How are creatives assigned to a line item? While setting up a new creative for the advertiser, assign the line item and ...

Below is the answer and explanation for how are creatives assigned to a line item? How are creatives assigned to a line item? While setting up a new creative for the advertiser, assign the line item and Read article

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