
Landing Page

Which two features may be used to log additional information about a click? (select two)Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer and explanation for which two features may be used to log additional information about a click? which two features may be used to log additional information about a click? Event tags. ✅ Image ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which two features may be used to log additional information about a click? which two features may be used to log additional information about a click? Event tags. ✅ Image Read article

Incentivized Traffic

Definition: When viewers get some kind of remuneration for landing on a page. Information: There are risks involved in incentivized traffic. For instance, 3rd-party marketers may pay individuals to land on your page and keep you unaware ...

Definition: When viewers get some kind of remuneration for landing on a page. Information: There are risks involved in incentivized traffic. For instance, 3rd-party marketers may pay individuals to land on your page and keep you unaware Read article