

Which statement about naming components is FALSE?

Below is the answer and explanation for which statement about naming components is false? Which statement about naming components is false? Components can be named in the inspector. Component names help content editors understand how to use ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which statement about naming components is false? Which statement about naming components is false? Components can be named in the inspector. Component names help content editors understand how to use Read article

When creating a drag and drop template, how do you add components?

Below is the answer and explanation for when creating a drag and drop template, how do you add components? When creating a drag and drop template, how do you add components? Components are added in “Settings.” Templates ...

Below is the answer and explanation for when creating a drag and drop template, how do you add components? When creating a drag and drop template, how do you add components? Components are added in “Settings.” Templates Read article

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