

Ad server – what is it and what are ad servers used for?

An ad server is a software platform responsible for overseeing the deployment of digital advertising campaigns. What exactly is an ad server? What's the role of an ad server? An ...

An ad server is a software platform responsible for overseeing the deployment of digital advertising campaigns. What exactly is an ad server? What's the role of an ad server? An Read article

Quick tip: How you can read data and extract text content from PDF/images without manual rewriting for free

There are several free tools that can read data from PDFs and images and extract the text, which can then be edited or copied to another document. Here are some ...

There are several free tools that can read data from PDFs and images and extract the text, which can then be edited or copied to another document. Here are some Read article

Continuous Integration – Cure for Human Error in Deployment

Continuous integration is a necessary development tool. Thanks to automation and standardization, it helps to effectively prevent errors when deploying applications into operation. Also, you should not miss the previous ...

Continuous integration is a necessary development tool. Thanks to automation and standardization, it helps to effectively prevent errors when deploying applications into operation. Also, you should not miss the previous Read article

Your client has a Mexican restaurant and wants to increase brand awareness in the local community

Below is the answer and explanation for your client has a Mexican restaurant and wants to increase brand awareness in the local community. Your client has a Mexican restaurant and wants to increase brand awareness in the ...

Below is the answer and explanation for your client has a Mexican restaurant and wants to increase brand awareness in the local community. Your client has a Mexican restaurant and wants to increase brand awareness in the Read article

Which Display Ad format automatically creates ads from uploaded headlines, logos, images, and videos?

Below is the answer and explanation for which Display Ad format automatically creates ads from uploaded headlines, logos, images, and videos? Which display ad format automatically creates ads from uploaded headlines, logos, images, and videos? Uploaded ads ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which Display Ad format automatically creates ads from uploaded headlines, logos, images, and videos? Which display ad format automatically creates ads from uploaded headlines, logos, images, and videos? Uploaded ads Read article

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