
hubspot academy certifications

True or false? A call-to-action must be a button.

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? a call-to-action must be a button. True or false? a call-to-action must be a button. True. False. ✅ Correct answer False. ✅ The above answer is related ...

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? a call-to-action must be a button. True or false? a call-to-action must be a button. True. False. ✅ Correct answer False. ✅ The above answer is related Read article

What is the definition of a buyer persona?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the definition of a buyer persona? What is the definition of a buyer persona? A semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on real data and some select ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the definition of a buyer persona? What is the definition of a buyer persona? A semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on real data and some select Read article

What is SCOPE?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is scope? What is scope? Standardize, contextualize, optimize, personalize, empathize. ✅ Specialize, contextualize, optimize, personalize, epitomize. Standardize, contextualize, organize, personalize, energize. Standardize, contextualize, organize, personalize, expertize. Correct answer Standardize, ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what is scope? What is scope? Standardize, contextualize, optimize, personalize, empathize. ✅ Specialize, contextualize, optimize, personalize, epitomize. Standardize, contextualize, organize, personalize, energize. Standardize, contextualize, organize, personalize, expertize. Correct answer Standardize, Read article

You’re tasked with improving the conversion rate on your product and services page over time. You think that changing the page’s copy will positively impact the overall conversion rate. Which of the following is an example of a good hypothesis for this optimization experiment?

Below is the answer and explanation for you’re tasked with improving the conversion rate on your product and services page over time. You think that changing the page’s copy will positively impact the overall conversion rate. Which ...

Below is the answer and explanation for you’re tasked with improving the conversion rate on your product and services page over time. You think that changing the page’s copy will positively impact the overall conversion rate. Which Read article

How long should you let your conversion optimization experiments run (on average)?

Below is the answer and explanation for how long should you let your conversion optimization experiments run (on average)? How long should you let your conversion optimization experiments run (on average)? 1 week. 4 weeks. ✅ 12 ...

Below is the answer and explanation for how long should you let your conversion optimization experiments run (on average)? How long should you let your conversion optimization experiments run (on average)? 1 week. 4 weeks. ✅ 12 Read article

What are the steps of conversion optimization?

Below is the answer and explanation for what are the steps of conversion optimization? What are the steps of conversion optimization? Define your objective, form a hypothesis, design your tests, establish your baseline, analyze your data. Define ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what are the steps of conversion optimization? What are the steps of conversion optimization? Define your objective, form a hypothesis, design your tests, establish your baseline, analyze your data. Define Read article

What is conversion optimization?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is conversion optimization? What is conversion optimization? Conversion optimization is investment that produces reliable month-over-month growth. Your website becomes stronger as you continue to measure, iterate, and act. Conversion optimization is ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what is conversion optimization? What is conversion optimization? Conversion optimization is investment that produces reliable month-over-month growth. Your website becomes stronger as you continue to measure, iterate, and act. Conversion optimization is Read article

True or false? Conversion optimization can positively impact your return on investment.

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? conversion optimization can positively impact your return on investment. True or false? conversion optimization can positively impact your return on investment. True. ✅ False. Correct answer True. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? conversion optimization can positively impact your return on investment. True or false? conversion optimization can positively impact your return on investment. True. ✅ False. Correct answer True. Read article

True or false? Conversion optimization is NOT an iterative process.

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? conversion optimization is not an iterative process. True or false? conversion optimization is not an iterative process. True. False. ✅ Correct  answer False. ✅ The above answer ...

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? conversion optimization is not an iterative process. True or false? conversion optimization is not an iterative process. True. False. ✅ Correct  answer False. ✅ The above answer Read article

You’re trying to calculate the conversion rate on one of your forms. 600 people visited your landing page, but only 50 visitors submitted the form. What is the conversion rate of your form?

Below is the answer and explanation for you’re trying to calculate the conversion rate on one of your forms. 600 people visited your landing page, but only 50 visitors submitted the form. What is the conversion rate ...

Below is the answer and explanation for you’re trying to calculate the conversion rate on one of your forms. 600 people visited your landing page, but only 50 visitors submitted the form. What is the conversion rate Read article

What are the steps for creating a conversion path?

Below is the answer and explanation for what are the steps for creating a conversion path? What are the steps for creating a conversion path? Attract, convert a lead, close a deal, and delight a customer. Create ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what are the steps for creating a conversion path? What are the steps for creating a conversion path? Attract, convert a lead, close a deal, and delight a customer. Create Read article

Define a conversion path.

Below is the answer and explanation for define a conversion path. Define a conversion path. The method by which you encourage someone on your site to move down your funnel. ✅ The method by which you encourage ...

Below is the answer and explanation for define a conversion path. Define a conversion path. The method by which you encourage someone on your site to move down your funnel. ✅ The method by which you encourage Read article

What are SMART goals?

Below is the answer and explanation for what are smart goals? What are smart goals? Specific, marketable, attractive, responsible, testable. Specific, marketable, attainable, relevant, testable. Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely. ✅ Specific, measurable, attractive, relevant, timely. Correct ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what are smart goals? What are smart goals? Specific, marketable, attractive, responsible, testable. Specific, marketable, attainable, relevant, testable. Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely. ✅ Specific, measurable, attractive, relevant, timely. Correct Read article

What is the difference between reporting and analytics?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the difference between reporting and analytics? What is the difference between reporting and analytics? Reporting explains what has happened, while analytics is an attempt to explain why something ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the difference between reporting and analytics? What is the difference between reporting and analytics? Reporting explains what has happened, while analytics is an attempt to explain why something Read article

Each of these examples is a great way to prevent too much distraction in your conversion path EXCEPT:

Below is the answer and explanation for each of these examples is a great way to prevent too much distraction in your conversion path except: Each of these examples is a great way to prevent too much ...

Below is the answer and explanation for each of these examples is a great way to prevent too much distraction in your conversion path except: Each of these examples is a great way to prevent too much Read article

How do you calculate a conversion rate?

Below is the answer and explanation for how do you calculate a conversion rate? How do you calculate a conversion rate? Divide the number of people who viewed your conversion opportunity by the number of people on ...

Below is the answer and explanation for how do you calculate a conversion rate? How do you calculate a conversion rate? Divide the number of people who viewed your conversion opportunity by the number of people on Read article

True or false? An effective conversion path must include a landing page.

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? an effective conversion path must include a landing page. True or false? an effective conversion path must include a landing page. True. False. ✅ Correct answer False. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? an effective conversion path must include a landing page. True or false? an effective conversion path must include a landing page. True. False. ✅ Correct answer False. Read article

Fill in the blank: You set out to have 15 of your unengaged leads click a link to a resource article by the end of your month-long workflow. This is an example of a __________.

Below is the answer and explanation for fill in the blank: you set out to have 15 of your unengaged leads click a link to a resource article by the end of your month-long workflow. This is ...

Below is the answer and explanation for fill in the blank: you set out to have 15 of your unengaged leads click a link to a resource article by the end of your month-long workflow. This is Read article

True or False? In relation to reporting, “data out” is data you collect, either by asking for it explicitly or gathering it through analytics implicitly.

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? in relation to reporting, “data out” is data you collect, either by asking for it explicitly or gathering it through analytics implicitly. True or false? in relation ...

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? in relation to reporting, “data out” is data you collect, either by asking for it explicitly or gathering it through analytics implicitly. True or false? in relation Read article

True or false? You can nurture both your leads and your customers.

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? you can nurture both your leads and your customers. True or false? You can nurture both your leads and your customers. True. ✅ False. Correct answer True. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? you can nurture both your leads and your customers. True or false? You can nurture both your leads and your customers. True. ✅ False. Correct answer True. Read article