
Guest Blogging

Private marketplace (PMP) – what is private marketplace and what is PMP used for?

Private marketplaces (PMPs) are exclusive auctions curated by publishers, where a limited audience of advertisers is selected. PMPs provide publishers with greater control over ad placement and often offer premium ...

Private marketplaces (PMPs) are exclusive auctions curated by publishers, where a limited audience of advertisers is selected. PMPs provide publishers with greater control over ad placement and often offer premium Read article

Guest Blogging

Definition: When a person writes a blog post for another blog as the featured writer on an ad-hoc basis. Information: An author can improve upon his/her literary standing and repute through guest blogging. Even if one’s content ...

Definition: When a person writes a blog post for another blog as the featured writer on an ad-hoc basis. Information: An author can improve upon his/her literary standing and repute through guest blogging. Even if one’s content Read article

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