
google display ads

For an ad entering into an auction on the Google Display Network, the AdWords system will calculate the effective cost-per-thousand impressions (eCPM) when there are:

Below is the answer and explanation for for an ad entering into an auction on the Google display network, the AdWords system will calculate the effective cost-per-thousand impressions (eCPM) when there are: For an ad entering into ...

Below is the answer and explanation for for an ad entering into an auction on the Google display network, the AdWords system will calculate the effective cost-per-thousand impressions (eCPM) when there are: For an ad entering into Read article

If a display ad has been disapproved, how do you submit a request for another review?

Below is the answer and explanation for if a display ad has been disapproved, how do you submit a request for another review? If a display ad has been disapproved, how do you submit a request for ...

Below is the answer and explanation for if a display ad has been disapproved, how do you submit a request for another review? If a display ad has been disapproved, how do you submit a request for Read article

Managed placements allow advertisers to:

Below is the answer and explanation for managed placements allow advertisers to: Managed placements allow advertisers to: Give Google the ability to select placements for them and set industry appropriate bids Bid differently for specific placements on ...

Below is the answer and explanation for managed placements allow advertisers to: Managed placements allow advertisers to: Give Google the ability to select placements for them and set industry appropriate bids Bid differently for specific placements on Read article

If John is setting up a new video campaign, which manual bidding strategy should he use?

Below is the answer and explanation for if John is setting up a new video campaign, which manual bidding strategy should he use? If John is setting up a new video campaign, which manual bidding strategy should ...

Below is the answer and explanation for if John is setting up a new video campaign, which manual bidding strategy should he use? If John is setting up a new video campaign, which manual bidding strategy should Read article

Cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) bidding is only available for:

Below is the answer and explanation for Cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) bidding is only available for: Cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) bidding is only available for: Accounts that are using prepay billing Campaigns that target the Google Display Network ✅ ...

Below is the answer and explanation for Cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) bidding is only available for: Cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) bidding is only available for: Accounts that are using prepay billing Campaigns that target the Google Display Network ✅ Read article

“Engagement” with a Lightbox ad on a mobile phone or tablet is achieved when someone:

Below is the answer and explanation for engagement with a lightbox ad on a mobile phone or tablet is achieved when someone: “Engagement” with a lightbox ad on a mobile phone or tablet is achieved when someone: ...

Below is the answer and explanation for engagement with a lightbox ad on a mobile phone or tablet is achieved when someone: “Engagement” with a lightbox ad on a mobile phone or tablet is achieved when someone: Read article

An advertiser promoting the release of a film that’s entirely in French with no subtitles wants to advertise on YouTube. He’s advertising it heavily in France through a traditional ad campaign,

Below is the answer and explanation for an advertiser promoting the release of a film that’s entirely in French with no subtitles wants to advertise on YouTube. He’s advertising it heavily in France through a traditional ad ...

Below is the answer and explanation for an advertiser promoting the release of a film that’s entirely in French with no subtitles wants to advertise on YouTube. He’s advertising it heavily in France through a traditional ad Read article

Haley’s client wants to drive sales of her new cookboook that’s about gluten-free desserts.

Below is the answer and explanation for Haley’s client wants to drive sales of her new cookbook that’s about gluten-free desserts. Haley’s client wants to drive sales of her new cookbook that’s about gluten-free desserts. Only the ...

Below is the answer and explanation for Haley’s client wants to drive sales of her new cookbook that’s about gluten-free desserts. Haley’s client wants to drive sales of her new cookbook that’s about gluten-free desserts. Only the Read article

The dynamic remarketing tag collects data such as:

Below is the answer and explanation for the dynamic remarketing tag collects data such as: The dynamic remarketing tag collects data such as: Affinity group characteristics Types of pages viewed ✅ Number of code snippets Business ID ...

Below is the answer and explanation for the dynamic remarketing tag collects data such as: The dynamic remarketing tag collects data such as: Affinity group characteristics Types of pages viewed ✅ Number of code snippets Business ID Read article

Which bidding type is only available for ads on the Display Network?

Below is the answer and explanation for which bidding type is only available for ads on the display network? Which bidding type is only available for ads on the display network? Target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) Viewable cost-per-thousand impressions ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which bidding type is only available for ads on the display network? Which bidding type is only available for ads on the display network? Target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) Viewable cost-per-thousand impressions Read article

What are the two most common reasons a finance company might choose to promote its app? Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer and explanation for What are the two most common reasons a finance company might choose to promote its app? What are the two most common reasons a finance company might choose to promote ...

Below is the answer and explanation for What are the two most common reasons a finance company might choose to promote its app? What are the two most common reasons a finance company might choose to promote Read article

Which ad format is easiest to create, edit, and has the widest reach on the Google Display Network?

Below is the answer and explanation for which ad format is easiest to create, edit, and has the widest reach on the Google display network? Which ad format is easiest to create, edit, and has the widest ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which ad format is easiest to create, edit, and has the widest reach on the Google display network? Which ad format is easiest to create, edit, and has the widest Read article

Which feature could help advertisers determine if the clicks they are receiving on the Google Display Network are valuable?

Below is the answer and explanation for which feature could help advertisers determine if the clicks they are receiving on the Google display network are valuable? Which feature could help advertisers determine if the clicks they are ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which feature could help advertisers determine if the clicks they are receiving on the Google display network are valuable? Which feature could help advertisers determine if the clicks they are Read article

Which manual bidding strategy can you use to increase your reach?

Below is the answer and explanation for which manual bidding strategy can you use to increase your reach? Which manual bidding strategy can you use to increase your reach? Cost-per-engagement Cost-per-thousand-viewable impressions Cost-per-click Cost-per-thousand-viewable impressions ✅ Correct ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which manual bidding strategy can you use to increase your reach? Which manual bidding strategy can you use to increase your reach? Cost-per-engagement Cost-per-thousand-viewable impressions Cost-per-click Cost-per-thousand-viewable impressions ✅ Correct Read article

Your client has a Mexican restaurant and wants to increase brand awareness in the local community

Below is the answer and explanation for your client has a Mexican restaurant and wants to increase brand awareness in the local community. Your client has a Mexican restaurant and wants to increase brand awareness in the ...

Below is the answer and explanation for your client has a Mexican restaurant and wants to increase brand awareness in the local community. Your client has a Mexican restaurant and wants to increase brand awareness in the Read article

There’s no one recommended bid amount that works best for everyone. Which factors do you need to consider when choosing a bid amount?

Below is the answer and explanation for there’s no one recommended bid amount that works best for everyone. Which factors do you need to consider when choosing a bid amount? There’s no one recommended bid amount that ...

Below is the answer and explanation for there’s no one recommended bid amount that works best for everyone. Which factors do you need to consider when choosing a bid amount? There’s no one recommended bid amount that Read article

Why is it recommended to separate Display Network campaigns from Search Network campaigns?

Below is the answer and explanation for why is it recommended to separate display network campaigns from search network campaigns? Why is it recommended to separate display network campaigns from search network campaigns? Separate campaigns allow for ...

Below is the answer and explanation for why is it recommended to separate display network campaigns from search network campaigns? Why is it recommended to separate display network campaigns from search network campaigns? Separate campaigns allow for Read article

If an advertiser chooses to run ads in image formats, Google will:

Below is the answer and explanation for if an advertiser chooses to run ads in image formats, Google will: If an advertiser chooses to run ads in image formats, Google will: Display these ads on the Google ...

Below is the answer and explanation for if an advertiser chooses to run ads in image formats, Google will: If an advertiser chooses to run ads in image formats, Google will: Display these ads on the Google Read article

Your client Christina wants to drive traffic to her site. She has return-on-investment goals and is already using AdWords conversion tracking.

Below is the answer and explanation for your client Christina wants to drive traffic to her site. She has return-on-investment goals and is already using AdWords conversion tracking. Your client Christina wants to drive traffic to her ...

Below is the answer and explanation for your client Christina wants to drive traffic to her site. She has return-on-investment goals and is already using AdWords conversion tracking. Your client Christina wants to drive traffic to her Read article