
google creative certification

When a feed contains a column of dynamic clickthrough URLs, what function will a handcoded creative use?

Below is the answer and explanation for when a feed contains a column of dynamic click through URLs, what function will a hand coded creative use? When a feed contains a column of dynamic click through URLs, ...

Below is the answer and explanation for when a feed contains a column of dynamic click through URLs, what function will a hand coded creative use? When a feed contains a column of dynamic click through URLs, Read article

What field type is used for data pass targeting in a dynamic profile?

Below is the answer and explanation for what field type is used for data pass targeting in a dynamic profile? What field type is used for data pass targeting in a dynamic profile? Campaign manager site ID. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what field type is used for data pass targeting in a dynamic profile? What field type is used for data pass targeting in a dynamic profile? Campaign manager site ID. Read article

In what section of Studio are creative images and videos stored?

Below is the answer and explanation for in what section of studio are creative images and videos stored? In what section of studio are creative images and videos stored? Admin. Creative. Dynamic content. Assets. ✅ Correct answer ...

Below is the answer and explanation for in what section of studio are creative images and videos stored? In what section of studio are creative images and videos stored? Admin. Creative. Dynamic content. Assets. ✅ Correct answer Read article

Which three rotation settings are available in Studio? (select three)Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer and explanation for which three rotation settings are available in studio? Which three rotation settings are available in studio? Sequential. Weighted. ✅ Random. ✅ Optimized. ✅ Correct answer Weighted. ✅ Random. ✅ Optimized. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which three rotation settings are available in studio? Which three rotation settings are available in studio? Sequential. Weighted. ✅ Random. ✅ Optimized. ✅ Correct answer Weighted. ✅ Random. ✅ Optimized. Read article

Which two variables can be used to optimize the rotation of dynamic creatives? (select two)

Below is the answer and explanation for which two variables can be used to optimize the rotation of dynamic creatives? Which two variables can be used to optimize the rotation of dynamic creatives? Impression-to-view rate. Designated weights. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which two variables can be used to optimize the rotation of dynamic creatives? Which two variables can be used to optimize the rotation of dynamic creatives? Impression-to-view rate. Designated weights. Read article

In what product are dynamic targeting keys created?

Below is the answer and explanation for in what product are dynamic targeting keys created? In what product are dynamic targeting keys created? Studio. Campaign manager. ✅ Display & video 360. Search ads 360. Correct answer Campaign ...

Below is the answer and explanation for in what product are dynamic targeting keys created? In what product are dynamic targeting keys created? Studio. Campaign manager. ✅ Display & video 360. Search ads 360. Correct answer Campaign Read article

What’s the most efficient way to target one headline to 10 different audience IDs in a feed?

Below is the answer and explanation for what’s the most efficient way to target one headline to 10 different audience IDs in a feed? What’s the most efficient way to target one headline to 10 different audience ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what’s the most efficient way to target one headline to 10 different audience IDs in a feed? What’s the most efficient way to target one headline to 10 different audience Read article

How can a Studio profile be edited without impacting the live campaign?

Below is the answer and explanation for how can a studio profile be edited without impacting the live campaign? How can a studio profile be edited without impacting the live campaign? Create a draft version of the ...

Below is the answer and explanation for how can a studio profile be edited without impacting the live campaign? How can a studio profile be edited without impacting the live campaign? Create a draft version of the Read article

What are two creative elements that can be dynamic? (select two)

Below is the answer and explanation for what are two creative elements that can be dynamic? What are two creative elements that can be dynamic? Click through URLs. ✅ Text. ✅ Creative type. Ad border. Correct answer ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what are two creative elements that can be dynamic? What are two creative elements that can be dynamic? Click through URLs. ✅ Text. ✅ Creative type. Ad border. Correct answer Read article

How many Studio profiles can a dynamic creative be linked to?

Below is the answer and explanation for how many studio profiles can a dynamic creative be linked to? How many studio profiles can a dynamic creative be linked to? 2. 1. ✅ Unlimited. 3. Correct answer 1. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for how many studio profiles can a dynamic creative be linked to? How many studio profiles can a dynamic creative be linked to? 2. 1. ✅ Unlimited. 3. Correct answer 1. Read article

What user access level allows read and write access to create or edit a dynamic profile and feed?

Below is the answer and explanation for what user access level allows read and write access to create or edit a dynamic profile and feed? What user access level allows read and write access to create or ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what user access level allows read and write access to create or edit a dynamic profile and feed? What user access level allows read and write access to create or Read article

What steps should be taken under Manage Data to upload a new feed to the Studio profile?

Below is the answer and explanation for what steps should be taken under manage data to upload a new feed to the studio profile? What steps should be taken under manage data to upload a new feed ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what steps should be taken under manage data to upload a new feed to the studio profile? What steps should be taken under manage data to upload a new feed Read article

Which two methods can be used to connect dynamic data to an element in the creative?(select two)

Below is the answer and explanation for which two methods can be used to connect dynamic data to an element in the creative? Which two methods can be used to connect dynamic data to an element in ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which two methods can be used to connect dynamic data to an element in the creative? Which two methods can be used to connect dynamic data to an element in Read article

What step must be taken before initiating a fullscreen expansion?

Below is the answer and explanation for what step must be taken before initiating a full screen expansion? What step must be taken before initiating a full screen expansion? Add a polite loader. Establish a connection to ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what step must be taken before initiating a full screen expansion? What step must be taken before initiating a full screen expansion? Add a polite loader. Establish a connection to Read article

Which three elements are required for a dynamic creative? (select three)

Below is the answer and explanation for which three elements are required for a dynamic creative? Which three elements are required for a dynamic creative? Studio creative. ✅ Asset library. Dynamic content. ✅ Studio profile. ✅ Correct ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which three elements are required for a dynamic creative? Which three elements are required for a dynamic creative? Studio creative. ✅ Asset library. Dynamic content. ✅ Studio profile. ✅ Correct Read article

What values are included in the targeting column of a remarketing feed?

Below is the answer and explanation for what values are included in the targeting column of a re-marketing feed? What values are included in the targeting column of a re-marketing feed? Floodlight custom variable (“u-var”) values. Third-party ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what values are included in the targeting column of a re-marketing feed? What values are included in the targeting column of a re-marketing feed? Floodlight custom variable (“u-var”) values. Third-party Read article

In what section of Studio can users create and manage dynamic profiles?

Below is the answer and explanation for in what section of studio can users create and manage dynamic profiles? In what section of studio can users create and manage dynamic profiles? Dynamic content. ✅ Creative. Admin. Assets. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for in what section of studio can users create and manage dynamic profiles? In what section of studio can users create and manage dynamic profiles? Dynamic content. ✅ Creative. Admin. Assets. Read article

What type of creative appears within a set of borders and doesn’t expand or cover a website’s content?

Below is the answer and explanation for what type of creative appears within a set of borders and doesn’t expand or cover a website’s content? What type of creative appears within a set of borders and doesn’t ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what type of creative appears within a set of borders and doesn’t expand or cover a website’s content? What type of creative appears within a set of borders and doesn’t Read article

In what section of Studio can users upload and manage ad files?

Below is the answer and explanation for in what section of studio can users upload and manage ad files? In what section of studio can users upload and manage ad files? Admin. Dynamic content. Assets. Creative. ✅ ...

Below is the answer and explanation for in what section of studio can users upload and manage ad files? In what section of studio can users upload and manage ad files? Admin. Dynamic content. Assets. Creative. ✅ Read article

The HTML5 Enabler should be added to which tag in a creative’s HTML file?

Below is the answer and explanation for the HTML5 enabler should be added to which tag in a creative’s HTML file? The HTML5 enabler should be added to which tag in a creative’s HTML file? Creative certification ...

Below is the answer and explanation for the HTML5 enabler should be added to which tag in a creative’s HTML file? The HTML5 enabler should be added to which tag in a creative’s HTML file? Creative certification Read article