
google certification test answers

If a person adds a product to a shopping basket but then leaves the website, which of the following tactics is most likely to encourage that person to return and purchase the product?

Below is the answer and explanation for if a person adds a product to a shopping basket but then leaves the website, which of the following tactics is most likely to encourage that person to return and ...

Below is the answer and explanation for if a person adds a product to a shopping basket but then leaves the website, which of the following tactics is most likely to encourage that person to return and Read article

Which of the following is true when purchasing ad placements on an advertising network?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is true when purchasing ad placements on an advertising network? Which of the following is true when purchasing ad placements on an advertising network? You always ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is true when purchasing ad placements on an advertising network? Which of the following is true when purchasing ad placements on an advertising network? You always Read article

Which of the following is an example of the type of data that advertising networks automatically collect and share with businesses?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is an example of the type of data that advertising networks automatically collect and share with businesses? Which of the following is an example of the ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is an example of the type of data that advertising networks automatically collect and share with businesses? Which of the following is an example of the Read article

In what way can display advertising be effective?

Below is the answer and explanation for in what way can display advertising be effective? In what way can display advertising be effective? It guarantees more visitors to your site. It guarantees increased sales. It drives traffic ...

Below is the answer and explanation for in what way can display advertising be effective? In what way can display advertising be effective? It guarantees more visitors to your site. It guarantees increased sales. It drives traffic Read article

When setting up display advertising campaigns, who can you target?

Below is the answer and explanation for when setting up display advertising campaigns, who can you target? When setting up display advertising campaigns, who can you target? People with specific names. People who speak different languages. ✅ ...

Below is the answer and explanation for when setting up display advertising campaigns, who can you target? When setting up display advertising campaigns, who can you target? People with specific names. People who speak different languages. ✅ Read article

When using search engine marketing, where can your ads appear?

Below is the answer and explanation for when using search engine marketing, where can your ads appear? When using search engine marketing, where can your ads appear? Only on search engines. ✅ Only on websites. On search ...

Below is the answer and explanation for when using search engine marketing, where can your ads appear? When using search engine marketing, where can your ads appear? Only on search engines. ✅ Only on websites. On search Read article

Fill in the blank: The ads on search engines are usually made up of ________.

Below is the answer and explanation for fill in the blank: the ads on search engines are usually made up of. Fill in the blank: the ads on search engines are usually made up of. Audio. Video. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for fill in the blank: the ads on search engines are usually made up of. Fill in the blank: the ads on search engines are usually made up of. Audio. Video. Read article

If you own a film blog, which type of customer can you expect to reach with display advertising?

Below is the answer and explanation for if you own a film blog, which type of customer can you expect to reach with display advertising? If you own a film blog, which type of customer can you ...

Below is the answer and explanation for if you own a film blog, which type of customer can you expect to reach with display advertising? If you own a film blog, which type of customer can you Read article

Which of the following statements is true when it comes to running email campaigns for a business?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following statements is true when it comes to running email campaigns for a business? Which of the following statements is true when it comes to running email ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following statements is true when it comes to running email campaigns for a business? Which of the following statements is true when it comes to running email Read article

If the open rate of your emails seems low, which of the following could help you fix that?

Below is the answer and explanation for if the open rate of your emails seems low, which of the following could help you fix that? If the open rate of your emails seems low, which of the ...

Below is the answer and explanation for if the open rate of your emails seems low, which of the following could help you fix that? If the open rate of your emails seems low, which of the Read article

Which of the following is a common feature of email marketing platforms?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is a common feature of email marketing platforms? Which of the following is a common feature of email marketing platforms? Personalised, custom templates. A free list ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is a common feature of email marketing platforms? Which of the following is a common feature of email marketing platforms? Personalised, custom templates. A free list Read article

Which of these is a good practice to keep in mind when sending emails to your contacts?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of these is a good practice to keep in mind when sending emails to your contacts? Which of these is a good practice to keep in mind when sending ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which of these is a good practice to keep in mind when sending emails to your contacts? Which of these is a good practice to keep in mind when sending Read article

If you needed to showcase which parts of a website are being clicked on the most, which presentation type should you consider?

Below is the answer and explanation for if you needed to showcase which parts of a website are being clicked on the most, which presentation type should you consider? If you needed to showcase which parts of ...

Below is the answer and explanation for if you needed to showcase which parts of a website are being clicked on the most, which presentation type should you consider? If you needed to showcase which parts of Read article

Which of the following metrics could help you understand which blog post is resonating the most with your audience?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following metrics could help you understand which blog post is resonating the most with your audience? Which of the following metrics could help you understand which blog ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following metrics could help you understand which blog post is resonating the most with your audience? Which of the following metrics could help you understand which blog Read article

Which of the following will you need to start an email marketing programme?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following will you need to start an email marketing programme? Which of the following will you need to start an email marketing programme? A collection of email ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following will you need to start an email marketing programme? Which of the following will you need to start an email marketing programme? A collection of email Read article

What are ‘highlighting key dates’ and ‘considering multiple channels’ best practices of?

Below is the answer and explanation for what are ‘highlighting key dates’ and ‘considering multiple channels’ best practices of? What are ‘highlighting key dates’ and ‘considering multiple channels’ best practices of? Creating a content calendar. ✅ Designing ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what are ‘highlighting key dates’ and ‘considering multiple channels’ best practices of? What are ‘highlighting key dates’ and ‘considering multiple channels’ best practices of? Creating a content calendar. ✅ Designing Read article

Which of the following best describes why approaches to writing need to be adapted for online content?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following best describes why approaches to writing need to be adapted for online content? Which of the following best describes why approaches to writing need to be ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following best describes why approaches to writing need to be adapted for online content? Which of the following best describes why approaches to writing need to be Read article

Fill in the blank: When describing the purpose of content, what is missing? ‘To entertain, to inspire, to _______ and to convince’.

Below is the answer and explanation for fill in the blank: when describing the purpose of content, what is missing? ‘To entertain, to inspire, to and to convince’. Fill in the blank: when describing the purpose of ...

Below is the answer and explanation for fill in the blank: when describing the purpose of content, what is missing? ‘To entertain, to inspire, to and to convince’. Fill in the blank: when describing the purpose of Read article

What does the following definition describe? ‘The division of an audience into groups of who they are and what they like, with a goal of identifying a group most interested in your product/service.’

Below is the answer and explanation for what does the following definition describe? ‘The division of an audience into groups of who they are and what they like, with a goal of identifying a group most interested ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what does the following definition describe? ‘The division of an audience into groups of who they are and what they like, with a goal of identifying a group most interested Read article

Which of the following is an accurate definition of what a content marketing campaign involves?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is an accurate definition of what a content marketing campaign involves? Which of the following is an accurate definition of what a content marketing campaign involves? ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is an accurate definition of what a content marketing campaign involves? Which of the following is an accurate definition of what a content marketing campaign involves? Read article