
Google certificate

What is the Google Network?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the Google network? What is the Google network? The collective term for Google’s professional support staff that can answer your ad words questions 24/7. A network of partner ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the Google network? What is the Google network? The collective term for Google’s professional support staff that can answer your ad words questions 24/7. A network of partner Read article

What settings are required to give a user reporting access for a single advertiser?

Below is the answer and explanation for what settings are required to give a user reporting access for a single advertiser? What settings are required to give a user reporting access for a single advertiser? Schedule a ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what settings are required to give a user reporting access for a single advertiser? What settings are required to give a user reporting access for a single advertiser? Schedule a Read article

Which campaign type would an advertiser use to target users searching on

Below is the answer and explanation for which campaign type would an advertiser use to target users searching on Which campaign type would an advertiser use to target users searching on “Search network with display ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which campaign type would an advertiser use to target users searching on Which campaign type would an advertiser use to target users searching on “Search network with display Read article

What ad setting ensures a qualified user will always be served a city-targeted ad first over a country-targeted ad when both ads are assigned to the same placement?

Below is the answer and explanation for what ad setting ensures a qualified user will always be served a city-targeted ad first over a country-targeted ad when both ads are assigned to the same placement? Frequency cap. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what ad setting ensures a qualified user will always be served a city-targeted ad first over a country-targeted ad when both ads are assigned to the same placement? Frequency cap. Read article

What are two Video Verification metrics? (select two)

Below is the answer and explanation for what are two video verification metrics? What are two video verification metrics? Audio muted at finish. Video prominence score. ✅ Audio muted at start. ✅ Eligible impressions for audio. Correct ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what are two video verification metrics? What are two video verification metrics? Audio muted at finish. Video prominence score. ✅ Audio muted at start. ✅ Eligible impressions for audio. Correct Read article

Counters and Total Interactions metrics are available for which type of creatives?

Below is the answer and explanation for counters and total interactions metrics are available for which type of creatives? Counters and total interactions metrics are available for which type of creatives? Twitter creatives. Mobile in-app interstials. Creatives ...

Below is the answer and explanation for counters and total interactions metrics are available for which type of creatives? Counters and total interactions metrics are available for which type of creatives? Twitter creatives. Mobile in-app interstials. Creatives Read article

A conversion is:

Below is the answer and explanation for a conversion is: A conversion is: When someone reaches your landing page after clicking your ad or video. Any interaction with your ad that can be measured, like watching a ...

Below is the answer and explanation for a conversion is: A conversion is: When someone reaches your landing page after clicking your ad or video. Any interaction with your ad that can be measured, like watching a Read article

Higher Quality Scores typically result in:

Below is the answer and explanation for higher quality scores typically result in: Higher quality scores typically result in: Higher costs and lower ad positions. Lower costs and better ad positions. ✅ Less overall impressions. Faster delivery ...

Below is the answer and explanation for higher quality scores typically result in: Higher quality scores typically result in: Higher costs and lower ad positions. Lower costs and better ad positions. ✅ Less overall impressions. Faster delivery Read article

Which client would you advise to use radius targeting?

Below is the answer and explanation for which client would you advise to use radius targeting? Which client would you advise to use radius targeting? Luis, whose e-commerce business delivers nationwide. Denise, whose service can reach customers ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which client would you advise to use radius targeting? Which client would you advise to use radius targeting? Luis, whose e-commerce business delivers nationwide. Denise, whose service can reach customers Read article

Which targeting option can help you reach people who’ve previously visited your website?

Below is the answer and explanation for which targeting option can help you reach people who’ve previously visited your website? Which targeting option can help you reach people who’ve previously visited your website? Device targeting. Demographic targeting. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which targeting option can help you reach people who’ve previously visited your website? Which targeting option can help you reach people who’ve previously visited your website? Device targeting. Demographic targeting. Read article

By monitoring ad campaign performance, an advertiser may obtain the information needed to

Below is the answer and explanation for by monitoring ad campaign performance, an advertiser may obtain the information needed to. By monitoring ad campaign performance, an advertiser may obtain the information needed to. Create additional ad words ...

Below is the answer and explanation for by monitoring ad campaign performance, an advertiser may obtain the information needed to. By monitoring ad campaign performance, an advertiser may obtain the information needed to. Create additional ad words Read article

Conversion Tracking helps you improve the return on investment (ROI) from your online advertising because it:

Below is the answer and explanation for conversion tracking helps you improve the return on investment (ROI) from your online advertising because it: Conversion tracking helps you improve the return on investment (ROI) from your online advertising ...

Below is the answer and explanation for conversion tracking helps you improve the return on investment (ROI) from your online advertising because it: Conversion tracking helps you improve the return on investment (ROI) from your online advertising Read article