
Google ad manager

Ads.txt – what it is used for?

Ads.txt is a crucial tool for web publishers aiming to enhance transparency and combat ad fraud within the realm of programmatic advertising. This file, commonly referred to as "Authorized Digital ...

Ads.txt is a crucial tool for web publishers aiming to enhance transparency and combat ad fraud within the realm of programmatic advertising. This file, commonly referred to as "Authorized Digital Read article

Ad server – what is it and what are ad servers used for?

An ad server is a software platform responsible for overseeing the deployment of digital advertising campaigns. What exactly is an ad server? What's the role of an ad server? An ...

An ad server is a software platform responsible for overseeing the deployment of digital advertising campaigns. What exactly is an ad server? What's the role of an ad server? An Read article

App-ads.txt – what is it and what is it used for?

App-ads.txt is a text file incorporated into developer websites by app developers and publishers. Its purpose is to enumerate the vendors authorized to sell their inventory. App-ads.txt serves as a ...

App-ads.txt is a text file incorporated into developer websites by app developers and publishers. Its purpose is to enumerate the vendors authorized to sell their inventory. App-ads.txt serves as a Read article

Preferred deals – what is it?

A preferred deal, also referred to as programmatic non-guaranteed, involves an agreement between a publisher (seller) and an advertiser (buyer) granting the advertiser preferential access to inventory. In this arrangement, ...

A preferred deal, also referred to as programmatic non-guaranteed, involves an agreement between a publisher (seller) and an advertiser (buyer) granting the advertiser preferential access to inventory. In this arrangement, Read article

Supply-side platform (SSP) – what is supply-side platform and what is it used for?

SSPs (Supply Side Platforms) are technology platforms or software that efficiently manage a publisher's ad impression inventory across various ad exchanges. These platforms serve as powerful marketing tools by automating ...

SSPs (Supply Side Platforms) are technology platforms or software that efficiently manage a publisher's ad impression inventory across various ad exchanges. These platforms serve as powerful marketing tools by automating Read article

Which exchanges have their own creative audit process?

Below is the answer and explanation for which exchanges have their own creative audit process? Which exchanges have their own creative audit process? Every exchange has its own creative audit process. Google ads manager only. Ad roll, ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which exchanges have their own creative audit process? Which exchanges have their own creative audit process? Every exchange has its own creative audit process. Google ads manager only. Ad roll, Read article

What are three benefits of using Internal Redirect tags?

Below is the answer and explanation for what are three benefits of using internal redirect tags? What are three benefits of using internal redirect tags? Reduce latency on ad-serving. ✅ Standardize a counting method with platform publishers. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what are three benefits of using internal redirect tags? What are three benefits of using internal redirect tags? Reduce latency on ad-serving. ✅ Standardize a counting method with platform publishers. Read article

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