
cloud-based platform

Architecture and operating of web applications in the cloud environment (Part 1)

Cloud based platforms catch on more and more as a running environment for web applications. What advantages, compared to the traditional “on-premise” infrastructure or classic web-hosting, do they offer? And ...

Cloud based platforms catch on more and more as a running environment for web applications. What advantages, compared to the traditional “on-premise” infrastructure or classic web-hosting, do they offer? And Read article

What is a tech stack?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is a tech stack? What is a tech stack? A cloud-based platform that connects various applications, systems, and technologies within the cloud or on-premise. A series of rules that allow for an ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what is a tech stack? What is a tech stack? A cloud-based platform that connects various applications, systems, and technologies within the cloud or on-premise. A series of rules that allow for an Read article

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