

What timezone is used in Data Transfer (DT) timestamps for impression and click files?

Below is the answer and explanation for what timezone is used in data transfer (DT) timestamps for impression and click files? What timezone is used in data transfer (DT) timestamps for impression and click files? The user’s ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what timezone is used in data transfer (DT) timestamps for impression and click files? What timezone is used in data transfer (DT) timestamps for impression and click files? The user’s Read article

Your company wants to have greater success online. What are two ways that Google Ads can drive your business goals?

Below is the answer and explanation for your company wants to have greater success online. What are two ways that Google ads can drive your business goals? Your company wants to have greater success online. What are ...

Below is the answer and explanation for your company wants to have greater success online. What are two ways that Google ads can drive your business goals? Your company wants to have greater success online. What are Read article

What account structure should be used to share Floodlight tags and audience lists between multiple Advertisers?

Below is the answer and explanation for what account structure should be used to share floodlight tags and audience lists between multiple advertisers? What account structure should be used to share floodlight tags and audience lists between ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what account structure should be used to share floodlight tags and audience lists between multiple advertisers? What account structure should be used to share floodlight tags and audience lists between Read article

Robert manages a website that sells sporting goods. He wants his products to be featured in various online sporting publications while potential customers are researching and comparing different football brands online. Which option will help Robert influence customer consideration?

Below is the answer and explanation for Robert manages a website that sells sporting goods. He wants his products to be featured in various online sporting publications while potential customers are researching and comparing different football brands ...

Below is the answer and explanation for Robert manages a website that sells sporting goods. He wants his products to be featured in various online sporting publications while potential customers are researching and comparing different football brands Read article

Why should campaigns with different marketing objectives be separated into different Performance Planner plans?

Below is the answer and explanation for why should campaigns with different marketing objectives be separated into different Performance Planner plans? Why should campaigns with different marketing objectives be separated into different Performance Planner plans? So that ...

Below is the answer and explanation for why should campaigns with different marketing objectives be separated into different Performance Planner plans? Why should campaigns with different marketing objectives be separated into different Performance Planner plans? So that Read article

The Insights tab in Reporting shows the view performance against which three goals? (select three)Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer and explanation for the insights tab in reporting shows the view performance against which three goals? The insights tab in reporting shows the view performance against which three goals? Cost per activity (CPA). ...

Below is the answer and explanation for the insights tab in reporting shows the view performance against which three goals? The insights tab in reporting shows the view performance against which three goals? Cost per activity (CPA). Read article

Which functionalities are available to manage conversion data using the API? (select two)Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer and explanation for which functionalities are available to manage conversion data using the API? Which functionalities are available to manage conversion data using the API? Run. Delete. Update. ✅ Insert. ✅ Correct answer ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which functionalities are available to manage conversion data using the API? Which functionalities are available to manage conversion data using the API? Run. Delete. Update. ✅ Insert. ✅ Correct answer Read article

Why should an advertiser consider using responsive display ads

Below is the answer and explanatin for an advertiser should consider using responsive display ads because this type of ads are created automatically from your images, videos, headlines, logos, and descriptions. Why should an advertiser consider using ...

Below is the answer and explanatin for an advertiser should consider using responsive display ads because this type of ads are created automatically from your images, videos, headlines, logos, and descriptions. Why should an advertiser consider using Read article

Which factors should an advertiser consider when deciding on a bidding strategy?

Below is the answer and explanation for which factors should an advertiser consider when deciding on a bidding strategy? Which factors should an advertiser consider when deciding on a bidding strategy? Customer search history, competition, and conversions ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which factors should an advertiser consider when deciding on a bidding strategy? Which factors should an advertiser consider when deciding on a bidding strategy? Customer search history, competition, and conversions Read article

Why does automating your bid vs. using manual bidding contribute to a successful Google Ads campaign?

Below is the answer and explanation for why does automating your bid vs. using manual bidding contribute to a successful Google Ads campaign? Why does automating your bid vs. using manual bidding contribute to a successful Google ...

Below is the answer and explanation for why does automating your bid vs. using manual bidding contribute to a successful Google Ads campaign? Why does automating your bid vs. using manual bidding contribute to a successful Google Read article

What HTML elements of a Floodlight tag’s iFrame code identify the unique activity?

Below is the answer and explanation for wshat HTML elements of a floodlight tag’s iframe code identify the unique activity? What HTML elements of a floodlight tag’s iframe code identify the unique activity? 1×1 and “ord”. “type” ...

Below is the answer and explanation for wshat HTML elements of a floodlight tag’s iframe code identify the unique activity? What HTML elements of a floodlight tag’s iframe code identify the unique activity? 1×1 and “ord”. “type” Read article

Which type of automated bidding strategy is Target return on ad spend (ROAS)?

Below is the answer and explanation for which type of automated bidding strategy is Target return on ad spend (ROAS)? Which type of automated bidding strategy is Target return on ad spend (ROAS)? Consideration-focused bidding Conversion-focused bidding ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which type of automated bidding strategy is Target return on ad spend (ROAS)? Which type of automated bidding strategy is Target return on ad spend (ROAS)? Consideration-focused bidding Conversion-focused bidding Read article

What action can be taken to select which columns appear in the trafficking interface?

Below is the answer answer and explanation for what action can be taken to select which columns appear in the trafficking interface? What action can be taken to select which columns appear in the trafficking interface? Create ...

Below is the answer answer and explanation for what action can be taken to select which columns appear in the trafficking interface? What action can be taken to select which columns appear in the trafficking interface? Create Read article

For Floodlight tags to properly attribute in-app conversions, what needs to happen within the app?

Below is the answer and explanation for for floodlight tags to properly attribute in-app conversions, what needs to happen within the app? For floodlight tags to properly attribute in-app conversions, what needs to happen within the app? ...

Below is the answer and explanation for for floodlight tags to properly attribute in-app conversions, what needs to happen within the app? For floodlight tags to properly attribute in-app conversions, what needs to happen within the app? Read article

Which statement is true about the value of Google Display Ads?

Below is the answer and explanation for which statement is true about the value of Google display ads? Which statement is true about the value of Google display ads? It offers advertisers the most control over the ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which statement is true about the value of Google display ads? Which statement is true about the value of Google display ads? It offers advertisers the most control over the Read article

To link a Display & Video 360 advertiser, what initial step must be taken in Campaign Manager?

Below is the answer and explanation for to link a display & video 360 advertiser, what initial step must be taken in campaign manager? To link a display & video 360 advertiser, what initial step must be ...

Below is the answer and explanation for to link a display & video 360 advertiser, what initial step must be taken in campaign manager? To link a display & video 360 advertiser, what initial step must be Read article

What counting method tracks the number of sales made or items purchased?

Below is the answer and explanation for what counting method tracks the number of sales made or items purchased? What counting method tracks the number of sales made or items purchased? Standard counting. Sales activities. ✅ Custom ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what counting method tracks the number of sales made or items purchased? What counting method tracks the number of sales made or items purchased? Standard counting. Sales activities. ✅ Custom Read article

Which Display Ad format should you use if you’re concerned about malware and want a secure ad experience across platforms?

Below is the answer and explanation for which Display ad format should you use if you’re concerned about malware and want a secure ad experience across platforms? Which display ad format should you use if you’re concerned ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which Display ad format should you use if you’re concerned about malware and want a secure ad experience across platforms? Which display ad format should you use if you’re concerned Read article

What section within a Floodlight activity’s settings allows users to add publisher tracking tags?

Below is the answer and explanation for what section within a floodlight activity’s settings allows users to add publisher tracking tags? What section within a floodlight activity’s settings allows users to add publisher tracking tags? Google tag ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what section within a floodlight activity’s settings allows users to add publisher tracking tags? What section within a floodlight activity’s settings allows users to add publisher tracking tags? Google tag Read article

If a publisher serves a placement tag after the campaign end date, what ad will serve?

Below is the answer and explanation for if a publisher serves a placement tag after the campaign end date, what ad will serve? If a publisher serves a placement tag after the campaign end date, what ad ...

Below is the answer and explanation for if a publisher serves a placement tag after the campaign end date, what ad will serve? If a publisher serves a placement tag after the campaign end date, what ad Read article