
Broad-match modifier.

If you have a keyword set to broad match, but you want to select specific keywords that must be included in the search query for your ad to be displayed, what would you use?

Below is the answer and explanation for if you have a keyword set to broad match, but you want to select specific keywords that must be included in the search query for your ad to be displayed, ...

Below is the answer and explanation for if you have a keyword set to broad match, but you want to select specific keywords that must be included in the search query for your ad to be displayed, Read article

Michelle recently launched a new product called **Wonder Boots**. The brand has already become well-known in her industry. She wants to attract more traffic via Google Ads but only for searches that are solely for her product name (**Wonder Boots**).Which keyword match type should Michelle use to attract traffic strictly for searches for the **Wonder Boots** product name?

Below is the answer and explanation for Michelle recently launched a new product called **wonder boots**. The brand has already become well-known in her industry. She wants to attract more traffic via Google ads but only for ...

Below is the answer and explanation for Michelle recently launched a new product called **wonder boots**. The brand has already become well-known in her industry. She wants to attract more traffic via Google ads but only for Read article