Rebecca is a marketing executive at an airline company. She has been asked to plan her company’s online advertising budget on a monthly basis. She’s chosen Google Ads’ Performance Planner to help accomplish this task. What are two advantages Performance Planner offers Rebecca?
Below is the answer and explanation for Rebecca is a marketing executive at an airline company. She has been asked to plan her company’s online advertising budget on a monthly basis. She’s chosen Google ads’ performance planner to help accomplish this task. What are two advantages performance planner offers Rebecca?
Rebecca is a marketing executive at an airline company. She has been asked to plan her company’s online advertising budget on a monthly basis. She’s chosen Google ads’ performance planner to help accomplish this task. What are two advantages performance planner offers Rebecca?
- Performance planner is free to use with any merchant-hosted storefront.
- Performance planner will help her identify funds from other operational budgets to allocate to marketing.
- Performance planner integrates with other budgeting software, such as quick books.
- Performance planner forecasting is powered by billions of Google searches conducted each week. âś…
- Performance planner leverages machine learning for forecasting. âś…
Correct answer
- Performance planner forecasting is powered by billions of Google searches conducted each week. âś…
- Performance planner leverages machine learning for forecasting. âś…
Performance planner is a new forecasting tool that uses machine learning to reveal the possibilities for your Google ads campaigns. Google search ad auctions are made up of billions of searches per week. It powers the forecast engine. The performance planner identifies the best spend amounts for your campaigns to drive incremental conversions. Performance planner uses a combination of account history and machine learning to power forecasts.
Given above is the answer and explanation for the question Rebecca is a marketing executive at an airline company. She has been asked to plan her company’s online advertising budget on a monthly basis. She’s chosen Google ads’ performance planner to help accomplish this task. What are two advantages performance planner offers Rebecca?
Read all the Google ads search certification answers.
Learn more about google ads search certification: Google ads search Skillshop
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