Prompt – what is it?

Prompt – what is it?

January 25,2024 in AI&ChatGPT | 0 Comments

Table of Contents

A “prompt” is, simply an input, a correctly inserted question/query or instruction to AI or other algorithms (e.g. chatbots). By correctly “prompting” you (or let’s say not you but the AI) can generate relevant content. The result of the prompt just not have to be necessarily only in text form, but it can also generate visual content (images, videos, etc.) and even audio (voice, transcription) for you in this way.

Tips for proper prompting

People are often asking (prompting) AI in the same way they type the query into search engines. This method isn’t necessarily bad, but you just may not ultimately get exactly what you were asking for.

That’s why it’s important to clearly articulate the request and describe its specifics. For example, what the content should look like, the style, or the output you expect (image, text, outline, bullet points, length…) The more specific you are, the more accurate the result you will get.

As ChatGPT-4 can browse the internet, you can also (apart from copying text or content via CTRL + C +CTRL + V, as ChatGTP-4 can also ready tables, images you can try to copy it there – but the result from copying visual content is usually not very good in term of final results) even tell to “your AI” from where he can get the proper information.

If you don’t get it right on the first try, it is not the end. Just try to edit the prompt (make it question/prompt different) and try it again. Sometimes you may need more attempts before you get the desired result. However, even this technology has its limits, so be realistic about expectations.

AI can help you a lot, but it still needs your assistance (you need correct results, rewrite it, or correct wrong information).

Best practices for AI interactions

  • Be specific about the context – clearly define the topic, industry, and goal of your query.
  • Include limits – specify any limitations, such as word count or target audience.
  • Ask for alternatives – if an AI’s response doesn’t meet your needs, request alternative suggestions or different approaches.
  • Include some examples – if possible, provide examples of what you’re looking for to guide the AI’s output.
  • Follow up with refinement – if the initial answer isn’t perfect, use follow-up questions to narrow down or refine the response.

By tailoring your prompts with specific details and following up with precise, clarifying questions, you can guide the AI to provide more useful and targeted responses. This approach can enhance productivity and effectiveness across various business functions.

250+ best useful ChatGPT prompts examples for better understanding

You can easily master ChatGPT with our carefully curated guide featuring over 250 innovative and impactful ChatGPT prompts designed for a wide audience, including entrepreneurs, software developers, marketing professionals, educators, and anyone interested in boosting their productivity, this comprehensive guide is your ticket to unlocking ChatGPT’s full potential.

ChatGPT represents a leap forward in our interaction with digital interfaces, standing at the forefront of chatbot and language model innovation. This advanced AI technology is reshaping the way businesses, developers, researchers, and everyday users create text, develop code, translate between languages, summarize extensive materials, and more.

If you’re aiming to fully leverage ChatGPT’s capabilities, you will after reading these examples have all the basic knowledge you can build on.

Most used prompts for everyone for everyday use

ChatGPT supports a variety of data formats in its prompts, enabling users to interact with it in numerous ways for different tasks. At its core, ChatGPT can process plain text inputs, which can include natural language questions, commands, or statements. Beyond simple text, users can also structure their prompts using basic formatting cues to delineate sections, list items, or highlight specific information. For instance, users can employ numbered or bulleted lists to organize data points, use line breaks or paragraphs to separate ideas and incorporate hashtags or asterisks to emphasize keywords or concepts.

While ChatGPT does not interpret HTML or markdown syntax directly in the way a web browser or markdown editor would, using such simple textual structures can help clarify the intent of the prompt and guide the AI in generating a more accurate and organized response. This flexibility in prompt formatting allows ChatGPT to be effectively used for a wide range of applications, from generating content and coding assistance to providing detailed explanations and summarizing information.

You have to always use the command – so in case you want to get the output sentences using “Sentence case” – you will write in ChatGPT: firstly what you want to create – like example below:

Create a brief for an SEO-optimized article about ChatGPT prompts and the best tips for using prompts. Write a short introduction discussing the desired style, tone, and approach for the article. Create a suggested structure of headings for the article. Include additional notes for each heading, specifying the type of information to be included (add notes only when necessary). Please provide links to competitive articles that are already ranking on Google, so the copywriter can use them as a reference for the article.

Then you add it as the next prompt:

Use sentence case for the output you create for formatting.

Or you can incorporate it in the prompt at the end of the text (but probably it will not work as ChatGPT has problem to analyze too complex briefs without # parameters).

Create a brief for an SEO-optimized article about ChatGPT prompts and the best tips for using prompts. Write a short introduction discussing the desired style, tone, and approach for the article. Create a suggested structure of headings for the article. Include additional notes for each heading, specifying the type of information to be included (add notes only when necessary). Please provide links to competitive articles that are already ranking on Google, so the copywriter can use them as a reference for the article.

Use sentence case for the output you create for formatting.

Or you can use proper prompt for the whole brief:
Create a brief for an SEO-optimized article about ChatGPT prompts and the best tips for using prompts. Write a short introduction discussing the desired style, tone, and approach for the article. Create a suggested structure of headings for the article. Include additional notes for each heading, specifying the type of information to be included (add notes only when necessary). Please provide links to competitive articles that are already ranking on Google, so the copywriter can use them as a reference for the article.

Use for #formatting

#formatting = sentence case

Text formatting/output formatting from ChatGPT

  • tOGGLE cASE: Toggling the case means changing the capitalization of each letter in a text string. For example, “tOGGLE cASE” would become “Toggle Case.” This style swaps the uppercase letters to lowercase and vice versa.
  • Sentence case: Sentence case is the capitalization style commonly used in sentences. It involves capitalizing the first letter of the first word in a sentence and leaving the rest of the text in lowercase, except for proper nouns and other words that require capitalization.
  • Lowercase: Lowercase refers to the style of writing where all letters are in their small or lowercase form. For example, “lower case” remains as “lower case.”
  • UPPER CASE: Uppercase, also known as “capital letters,” is the style of writing where all letters are in their large or uppercase form. For example, “UPPER CASE” remains as “UPPER CASE.”
  • Capitalize word: Capitalizing a word means making the first letter of the word uppercase while keeping the rest of the letters in lowercase. For instance, “Capitalize Word” remains as “Capitalize word.”
  • aLtErNaTe cAsE: Alternating case, similar to toggle case, involves changing the capitalization of each letter in a text string. However, in alternating cases, the capitalization alternates between uppercase and lowercase for each letter. For example, “aLtErNaTe cAsE” becomes “AlTeRnAtE CaSe.”
  • Capitalization: Convert text to uppercase or lowercase.
  • Indentation: Add spaces or tabs to create hierarchical structures.
  • Alignment: Align text to the left, right, or center.
  • Line breaks: Insert line breaks or wrap text to fit within a specific width.
  • Decimal places: Specify the number of decimal places to display.
  • Currency formatting: Format numbers as currency with symbols and separators.
  • Percentage formatting: Convert numbers to percentages.
  • Scientific notation: Display large or small numbers in scientific notation.
  • Date format: Specify the order and format of day, month, and year.
  • Time format: Specify the display format for hours, minutes, and seconds.
  • Timezone: Convert timestamps to different time zones.
  • CSV (Comma-Separated Values): Use commas to separate values into columns.
  • TSV (Tab-Separated Values): Use tabs as separators.
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): Organize data into key-value pairs or nested structures.
  • XML (Extensible Markup Language): Structure data using tags and attributes
  • Plain text: Save data as a simple text file.
  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): Create web pages with structured content.
  • Remove duplicates: Eliminate duplicate records or values.
  • Sort data: Arrange data in a specific order based on one or more columns.
  • Filter data: Extract specific rows or columns based on defined criteria.
  • Normalize data: Restructure data to eliminate redundancy and improve efficiency.

Writing tone for outputs from ChatGPT

The tone in writing conveys the speaker’s attitude towards the subject or the audience. In the context of ChatGPT prompts, the tone can signal to the AI how formal or informal, serious or playful, detailed or succinct you expect the response to be. This subtle cue can help ChatGPT better align its responses with your expectations, making the interaction more productive and satisfying.

ChatGPT, trained on vast amounts of text from the internet, has learned to detect and mimic a wide range of writing tones. When a prompt is given in a conversational tone, ChatGPT is likely to reply in kind, creating a more relaxed and engaging interaction. Conversely, a formal tone in the prompt can lead to a response that feels more structured and authoritative, suitable for professional or academic inquiries.

Tips for using tone effectively in your prompts
  • Define your objective – before crafting your prompt, consider what you’re hoping to achieve. The clarity of your goal will guide the tone you should adopt.
  • Match the tone to the task – if you’re asking for a creative story, a playful or imaginative tone might elicit a more engaging response. For research or factual information, a straightforward and precise tone could be more effective.
  • Experiment with variations – don’t be afraid to play around with different tones to see how ChatGPT responds. This experimentation can help you find the perfect balance for your specific needs.
  • Be mindful of subtleties – small changes in wording can significantly affect the tone. Words like “please” or “could you” can soften a request, while direct questions might prompt quicker, more to-the-point answers.
The benefits of mastering tone in your prompts
  • Enhanced accuracy: By aligning the tone of your prompt with the nature of your request, you can increase the likelihood of receiving a relevant and useful response.
  • Greater engagement: A well-chosen tone can make the interaction more enjoyable and engaging, especially in creative or casual contexts.
  • Improved efficiency: Understanding how tone affects ChatGPT’s responses can help you get the information or output you need more quickly, reducing the need for follow-up prompts.
Writing tone for outputs from ChatGPT you can use
Writing tone Target audience
Academic Scholars, researchers
Admiring Fans, followers
Affectionate Loved ones, family
Amused General readers
Angry Critics, opponents
Anxious Concerned parties
Apologetic Offended parties
Appreciative Benefactors
Argumentative Debaters
Authoritative Employees, subordinates
Belligerent Opposition
Bitter Disappointed parties
Bold Audience seeking change
Casual Friends, online audience
Cautionary Risk-takers
Celebratory Event attendees
Ceremonial Formal event attendees
Cheerful General audience
Clinical Medical professionals
Compassionate Suffering parties
Condescending Inferiors
Confessional Trusting parties
Confident General audience
Contemplative Reflective audience
Critical Review readers
Cynical Skeptics
Defensive Accused parties
Desperate Helpers
Detached Neutral parties
Diplomatic Political audience
Direct Busy readers
Discouraged Struggling parties
Dramatic Artistic audience
Earnest Serious audience
Ecstatic Celebratory audience
Educational Students, learners
Eloquent Intellectual audience
Empathetic Emotional audience
Encouraging Struggling individuals
Enthusiastic Motivated audience
Explanatory Inquisitive readers
Factual Information seekers
Fearful Warned parties
Flippant Casual readers
Formal Professional audience
Frustrated Dissatisfied parties
Gentle Sensitive readers
Humble Appreciative audience
Humorous General audience
Impartial Neutral audience
Informative Learners
Inspirational Aspiring individuals
Intimate Close relationships
Ironic Irony appreciators
Joyful Happy audience
Judgmental Wrong-doers
Lighthearted Entertainment seekers
Loving Loved ones
Melancholic Reflective audience
Mocking Opponents
Motivational Goal seekers
Mournful Grieving parties
Nostalgic Reflective audience
Objective Information seekers
Optimistic General audience
Outraged Aggrieved parties
Passionate Enthusiastic readers
Patient Learning audience
Patriotic National audience
Pensive Contemplative readers
Persuasive Decision makers
Pessimistic Cautious readers
Playful Casual readers
Poetic Literature lovers
Pragmatic Practical-minded
Provocative Intellectual audience
Puzzled Problem solvers
Reflective Thoughtful audience
Regretful Wrong-doers
Relaxed Casual audience
Respectful Dignified audience
Romantic Loved ones
Sarcastic Casual readers
Satirical Critical thinkers
Scared Concerned parties
Serious Professional audience
Sincere Trusting parties
Skeptical Doubting audience
Solemn Serious audience
Sorrowful Grieving parties
Straightforward Clear information seekers
Suspenseful Entertainment seekers
Sympathetic Suffering parties
Technical Expert audience
Thankful Benefactors
Thoughtful Contemplative readers
Understanding Inquiring audience
Urgent Immediate action takers
Whimsical Artistic audience
Worried Concerned parties

ChatGPT prompts for marketers

ChatGPT prompts for marketing strategy

  • Draft a script for an engaging short video ad tailored for a Facebook campaign promoting eco-friendly products. Focus on highlighting the environmental benefits and customer testimonials.
  • Suggest a list of blog post topics that align with the latest trends in sustainable living for a green technology company’s website.
  • Develop a comprehensive social media strategy for a new restaurant focusing on local, organic ingredients. Include content ideas, posting frequency, and engagement tactics.
  • Create a detailed content calendar for three months, focusing on mental health awareness, including key dates, themes, and content formats.
  • Analyze the impact of influencer marketing on consumer purchasing decisions within the beauty industry.
  • Propose a strategy for utilizing user-generated content to boost engagement on a travel brand’s social media platforms.
  • Develop a comprehensive plan for a content marketing campaign aimed at raising awareness about sustainable fashion.
  • Suggest innovative ways to integrate augmented reality into a retail company’s marketing efforts to enhance online shopping experiences.
  • Create a guide for small businesses on optimizing their Google My Business listing to attract local customers.
  • Draft an email sequence for cart abandonment that incentivizes e-commerce shoppers to complete their purchases.
  • Outline a strategy for a B2B company to leverage LinkedIn for lead generation and brand positioning.
  • Devise a marketing plan for launching a new mobile app that focuses on mental wellness, including pre-launch and post-launch activities.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of different content formats (blog posts, videos, infographics) in engaging a tech-savvy audience.
  • Propose a series of webinar topics that a financial advisory firm could host to educate clients about investment strategies.
  • Develop a loyalty program for an online store that encourages repeat purchases and customer referrals.
  • Suggest ways to use data analytics and customer feedback to refine a restaurant’s menu and service offerings.
  • Create a campaign to rebrand a traditional business for a younger, more digital audience, including visual and messaging changes.
  • Propose a partnership or collaboration between a fitness brand and a health food company, outlining the mutual benefits.
  • Design a year-round social media content plan for a non-profit organization, focusing on engaging potential donors and volunteers.
  • Outline a crisis communication plan for managing negative reviews and feedback on social media for a hospitality brand.
  • Develop a strategy for a book publisher to use TikTok to promote young adult fiction titles.
  • Create a competitive analysis framework that digital marketers can use to evaluate their position in the marketplace effectively.
  • Suggest a series of podcast episode themes that a marketing expert could use to explore different facets of digital advertising.
  • Develop a guide for optimizing YouTube video content to improve search visibility and viewer engagement.

ChatGPT prompts for SEO consultants

  • Identify high-potential keywords for an e-commerce site specializing in handmade crafts to boost traffic and sales.
  • Generate a list of SEO-optimized blog post ideas for a travel agency specializing in luxury vacations, focusing on unique destinations and experiences.
  • Conduct detailed keyword research for a specific section of a technology blog, focusing on emerging gadgets and innovations.

ChatGPT prompts for keyword research

  • Suggest high-volume, low-difficulty keywords for a specific topic, aiming for niche targets with less competition to optimize visibility for topic/keyword XXX.
  • Generate long-tail keyword lists that cater to specific search intents, enhancing content relevance and user engagement, this list should consist of 250 phrases, put phrases into one line, and separate those keywords by a comma.
  • Classify search intent (commercial, transactional, or informational) for keywords, providing insights into user behavior and content alignment.
  • Can you use keywords from the prompt “I want you to act as an SEO Expert. Create a list of keywords related to #keyword. ” and create a table with it?
  • Can you group keywords in clusters?
    Language = English
  • Can you group keywords on users’ intentions?
    Language = English
  • Can you generate long tail keywords related to #topic site.
    #topic = SEO prompts
    Language = English
  • Can you generate article ideas based on previous keywords?

ChatGPT prompts for page titles & descriptions

  • Create SEO-optimized title tags incorporating main keywords while keeping within character limits to improve click-through rates and create headlines up to 50–60 characters in length.
  • Write engaging meta descriptions with a clear call to action, using target keywords to increase search result appeal.
  • Create SEO-friendly meta description for keyword #keyword. Make sure that is no longer than 960px and ~ 158 chars. Give me 5 examples. #keyword = SEO optimization
  • Create a brief for an SEO-optimized article about CTAs and the best tips for writing successful CTAs. Write a short introduction discussing the desired style, tone, and approach for the article. Create a suggested structure of headings for the article. Include additional notes for each heading, specifying the type of information to be included (add notes only when necessary). Please provide links to competitive articles that are already ranking on Google, so the copywriter can use them as a reference for the article.
  • Write an article targeting “SEO techniques” keyword. As a reference and inspiration, use articles: you are an expert blog post writer. You specialize in writing highly engaging blog posts on any topic. Write in first person style and give useful advice for users. When writing, change the frequency penalty to 0.6, change the presence penalty to 0.4, and change the temperature settings to 1.”
  • Write a 100% unique, creative, and human-like style article of a minimum of 1500 words using # headings # and # sub-headings #. For the #keyword. Try to use contractions, idioms, transitional phrases, interjections, dangling modifiers, and colloquialisms, and avoid repetitive phrases and unnatural sentence structures. The article should include creative title, SEO meta description, ## Introduction ##. Add bullet points or a numbered list if needed, Write down faqs and conclusion. Make sure the article is plagiarism-free. Don’t forget to use a question mark at the end of questions. Try not to change the original #Keyword while writing the Title. Try to use The #Keyword 2-3 times in the article. try to include #Keyword in headings as well. write content that can easily pass the AI detection tools test. #Keyword = SEO prompts = English

ChatGPT prompts for content outlines

  • Generate content briefs for articles, specifying target audience, tone, and structure to ensure content meets SEO and user needs.
  • Create detailed outlines comparing products or explaining processes, ensuring the inclusion of relevant keywords and user engagement strategies.

ChatGPT prompts for content improvement

  • Improve text relevance and informativeness, tailoring content to the target audience with the addition of keywords, headers, and accessible language.
  • Rewrite texts to include quotes, statistics, or anecdotes, making content more engaging and trustworthy.

ChatGPT prompts for SEO copywriting

  • Craft introductions that capture attention, using a tone that resonates with the target audience and outlines the content’s value proposition.
  • Utilize writing frameworks like PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solution) or AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action) to structure persuasive content that motivates action.
  • Rewrite the article and do not change the context, do not reduce its length.

ChatGPT prompts for technical SEO

  • Generate XML sitemap prompts to outline website architecture, aiding search engines in more efficient page indexing.
  • Create robots.txt rules to manage crawler access and ensure optimal indexing of relevant pages.

ChatGPT prompts for social media marketing/ads

  • Produce engaging content for Twitter aimed at driving traffic to a website specializing in online courses for professional development. Include hashtag strategies.
  • Design a social media poll or quiz for a fitness brand on Instagram to engage followers and gather insights on their workout preferences.
  • Develop a comprehensive campaign plan for launching a new skincare product line on social media, targeting millennials. Include objectives, key messages, and content ideas.
  • Write a promotional Linkedln post about #smth.
    #smth = Best social media prompts
  • Act like you are an experienced Google ads professional. I want to create responsive display ads for Google Ads. Suggest some creative images, headlines, and descriptions for #goal.
    #goal = my personal blog
  • Suggest a 25-catchy caption for my Instagram post about #topic with trending hashtags.
    #topic = SEO
  • Your task is to help me create #Days social media posts on # Social_Media for the following business. Follow the distinctive best practices that will generate maximum engagement for the specific social platform mentioned in the last sentence. Each post you give me should be at least 5 sentences long. The posts should not mention discounts or new products. Everything I said above is important and must be followed. Please put each of these posts in a nice-looking table so it looks like a calendar. Also, please give a suggestion for what image they should use for each post. The only columns in the grid should be for the (1) post #, (2) post, (3) suggested image. The business to help me with is below.

    #Days = 31
    #Social_Media = Facebook
    #Business = SEO & Content Marketing
  • Create an advertising campaign about #smth targeting #audience. Include key messages and slogans and choose the best media channels for promotions.
    #smth = e-commerce blog
    #audience = small businesses

ChatGPT prompts for email marketing

  • Generate compelling subject lines for a series of newsletters for a book club, focusing on different literary genres each month.
  • Draft the body of a marketing email promoting an exclusive webinar on digital marketing trends, tailored to the needs of small business owners.
  • Offer creative strategies for re-engaging subscribers who haven’t interacted with emails from a gourmet food delivery service in the last six months.

ChatGPT prompts for athletic coach

  • As a coach, what techniques would you recommend for effectively training and coaching athletes?
  • What methods would you suggest for building a successful and high-performing athletic team?
  • What techniques would you recommend for motivating and encouraging athletes to reach their full potential?
  • What strategies would you suggest for managing and resolving conflicts that may arise within a team of athletes?
  • What methods of communication would you recommend for effectively communicating with athletes and getting the best results?
  • What strategies would you suggest for developing and implementing a successful game plan for athletic competition?
  • What techniques would you recommend for preparing athletes to perform well under high-pressure conditions?
  • What strategies would you suggest for evaluating and improving athletic performance and reaching desired results?
  • What techniques would you suggest for incorporating technology and data analysis into coaching and improving athletic performance?
  • What methods would you recommend for maintaining a positive and supportive coaching environment that encourages athlete development?

ChatGPT prompts for architects

  • As an architectural expert, what steps would you recommend for someone looking to pursue a career in architecture?
  • What steps would you suggest for someone looking to find a job as an architect?
  • What strategies would you recommend for someone looking to manage stress in their architectural career?
  • What strategies would you recommend for someone looking to handle difficult clients in their architectural career?
  • As an architectural expert, what design techniques would you recommend for creating efficient building layouts?
  • What strategies would you recommend for incorporating sustainability into building design?
  • What materials would you suggest for building construction to ensure durability and sustainability?
  • What strategies would you recommend for designing buildings that meet accessibility requirements?
  • What steps would you suggest for incorporating technology into building design to enhance functionality and efficiency?
  • What strategies would you recommend for designing buildings to maximize the use of natural light?
  • What steps would you suggest for incorporating indoor-outdoor spaces in building design to enhance livability and functionality?
  • What strategies would you recommend for designing buildings to maximize energy efficiency?
  • What steps would you suggest for designing buildings to optimize acoustics and minimize noise pollution?
  • What strategies would you recommend for designing buildings to ensure fire safety and minimize the risk of fire?

ChatGPT prompts for artists

  • As an art expert, what techniques would you suggest for developing a unique and recognizable style in art?
  • What strategies would you recommend for improving drawing abilities and techniques?
  • What steps would you suggest for experimenting with new materials and techniques in art?
  • What resources would you recommend for studying the history of art and its influence on contemporary art?
  • What techniques would you recommend for finding inspiration and motivation for creating art?
  • What strategies would you suggest for successfully marketing and selling artwork?
  • What methods would you suggest for effectively giving and receiving critiques on the artwork?
  • What steps would you recommend for building a strong and diverse portfolio to support an art career?
  • What resources would you suggest for finding and connecting with other artists and art communities?
  • What strategies would you recommend for funding and sustaining an art career?
  • I’m creating abstract landscape paintings. Can you suggest techniques for layering color and texture?
  • I’m working on a series of still-life paintings with fruits. How can I effectively use light and shadow to create depth?
  • I’m sculpting figures in marble. Can you provide tips on achieving smooth transitions in shading?
  • I’m painting portraits in a pop art style. Can you suggest music that would complement this genre and provide reference images for inspiration?
  • I’m experimenting with impressionistic cityscapes. Can you recommend techniques for capturing movement and atmosphere in my paintings?

ChatGPT prompts for businesses

  • What are the most effective strategies for starting a successful business?
  • How can I secure funding for my business idea?
  • What are the key factors to consider when choosing a business location?
  • How can I identify and target my ideal customer base?
  • What steps can I take to manage my finances and stay profitable?
  • How can I effectively market my business to attract new customers?
  • What are the best practices for managing and leading a team?
  • How can I measure the success of my business and make necessary adjustments?
  • What resources are available to support the growth and expansion of my business?
  • How can I stay ahead of industry trends and adapt to changes in the market?
  • Evaluate the online presence of a new local bakery and suggest improvements to increase its visibility and customer engagement.
  • Recommend effective strategies for a startup to stand out in the crowded online fitness market.
  • Propose risk management techniques for tech startups in the early stages of development, focusing on financial stability and innovation.

ChatGPT prompts for career advice

  • As an expert, what are the industries with the most job growth potential?
  • Please suggest some high-paying jobs with a good work-life balance.
  • What are the current and future in-demand skills for [field]?
  • As an expert, please provide tips for standing out in a job interview.
  • What are the most effective ways to network in [industry]?
  • What are the best companies to work for in [field]?
  • As an expert, please provide tips on negotiating a higher salary.
  • What are the steps to make a successful career change?
  • Please suggest the best online resources for career development.
  • What are the best ways to improve one’s chances of getting promoted?

ChatGPT prompts for diet plans

  • As a diet expert, what plan would you recommend for someone looking to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way?
  • Can you suggest the top foods for someone following a low-carbohydrate diet?
  • What strategies would you recommend for someone looking to stay on track with a diet plan?
  • As a diet expert, what plant-based foods would you recommend for someone following a vegetarian diet?
  • Can you suggest the top foods for someone following a gluten-free diet?
  • What diet plan would you recommend for someone looking to improve their gut health?
  • As a diet expert, what foods would you recommend for someone following a high-protein diet?
  • Can you suggest the top foods for someone following a low-fat diet?
  • What diet plan would you recommend for athletes to optimize their performance?
  • What diet plan would you recommend for someone with diabetes to manage their blood sugar levels?

ChatGPT prompts for entrepreneurs

  • As an entrepreneurial expert, what methods would you recommend for someone to test the viability of their business idea?
  • Can you suggest the top methods for securing funding for a new business venture?
  • What marketing strategies would you recommend for someone looking to promote a new business?
  • What strategies would you recommend for someone looking to use crowdfunding to raise funds for their business?
  • What steps would you recommend for someone looking to build a strong and effective team for their business?
  • What cash flow management techniques would you recommend for someone starting a new business?
  • As an entrepreneurship expert, what strategies would you recommend for someone looking to secure funding for a new business?
  • What strategies would you recommend for someone looking to scale their business and grow it to the next level?
  • Can you suggest the top methods for networking and building relationships as an entrepreneur?
  • What strategies would you recommend for someone looking to make a successful pitch to investors?
  • What strategies would you recommend for someone dealing with competition in a new business?
  • What risk management techniques would you recommend for someone starting a new business?
  • What steps would you recommend for someone looking to pivot their business and adjust their strategy?

ChatGPT prompts for environmentalists

  • As an expert in environmentalism, what strategies have the greatest potential to reduce carbon emissions?
  • As an expert in environmentalism, what are the top environmental challenges facing the world today?
  • As an expert in environmentalism, what actions can individuals take to make an impact on climate change?
  • As an expert in environmentalism, what renewable energy sources have the greatest potential for growth and adoption?
  • As an expert in environmentalism, what measures can be taken to protect biodiversity and endangered species?
  • As an expert in environmentalism, what are the impacts of deforestation on the environment and society?
  • As an environmental expert, what are the most effective ways to reduce the use of single-use plastics and their impact on the environment?
  • As an expert in environmentalism, what policies need to be put in place to address environmental issues?
  • As an expert in environmentalism, what technologies have the potential to greatly reduce carbon emissions?
  • As an expert in environmentalism, what steps can communities take to work together and address environmental issues?

ChatGPT prompts for financial advice

  • Please suggest effective savings strategies for building wealth.
  • As an expert, please provide tips on creating a budget that works.
  • What are the top investment options for long-term growth?
  • Please suggest strategies for paying off debt in a timely manner.
  • As an expert, what are the most effective tax-saving strategies?
  • Please provide tips on planning for a secure financial retirement.
  • As a financial expert, what strategies would you suggest for someone to maximize their retirement savings?
  • What are the best ways to save for a down payment on a house?
  • As an expert, what are the top credit card rewards programs?
  • What are the steps for starting an emergency fund for financial stability?
  • Please suggest the best ways to save for a child’s education expenses.
  • Can you recommend the top investment choices for someone looking to grow their savings over a long period of time?
  • Could you explain the tax consequences for an individual who sells a rental property?
  • What debt reduction strategies would you recommend for someone looking to get out of debt as quickly as possible?
  • Can you suggest the top savings accounts for someone looking for the highest interest rates?
  • What strategies would you recommend for someone looking to save for a down payment on a home?
  • What strategies would you recommend for someone looking to save for a large purchase, such as a car or a vacation?
  • As a financial expert, what real estate investment options would you suggest for someone looking to diversify their portfolio?
  • What strategies would you recommend for someone looking to establish a rainy day fund for unexpected expenses?

ChatGPT prompts for journalists

  • As a journalist, what methods would you suggest for gathering and verifying information to ensure accuracy and credibility?
  • What techniques would you recommend for writing clear, concise, and compelling articles that engage and inform the reader?
  • What strategies would you suggest for conducting effective interviews and gathering insights from sources?
  • How do you balance the need for objectivity with the importance of telling a story in a compelling and engaging way?
  • What techniques would you recommend for covering controversial or sensitive topics in a fair and balanced manner?
  • What steps would you recommend for effectively reporting on breaking news and ensuring accuracy and credibility?
  • What strategies would you suggest for using social media and other digital tools to reach and engage audiences and expand the reach of your work?
  • What methods would you suggest for building and maintaining strong relationships with sources to ensure continued access and cooperation?
  • What steps would you recommend for ensuring ethical and responsible journalism and avoiding conflicts of interest?
  • What techniques would you recommend for developing and honing journalism skills and continuously improving as a journalist?

ChatGPT prompts for health advice

  • As a health expert, what nutrient-rich foods would you recommend for a balanced and healthy diet?
  • Can you suggest the top physical activities for someone looking to improve their overall fitness level?
  • What stress management techniques would you recommend for someone looking to reduce stress in their daily life?
  • Can you suggest the top tips for someone looking to improve their sleep quality?
  • What strategies would you recommend for someone looking to improve their immune system?
  • What steps would you suggest for someone looking to reduce their risk of heart disease?
  • What preventive measures would you recommend for someone looking to reduce their risk of cancer?
  • What pain management techniques would you recommend for someone dealing with chronic pain?
  • What strategies would you recommend for someone looking to manage anxiety and improve their mental health?
  • Can you suggest the top ways for someone to maintain physical activity and mobility as they age?

ChatGPT prompts for life hacks

  • As an expert, can you share some tried and tested methods for increasing productivity?
  • Can you recommend some stress-reducing techniques that can be easily integrated into daily life?
  • As an expert, can you provide some concrete steps for a healthier lifestyle that are accessible to everyone?
  • As an expert, what are some scientifically proven methods for improving sleep quality that a person can apply in their daily life?
  • As an expert, can you recommend some budgeting techniques that are proven to be effective for saving money?
  • As an expert, can you suggest some brain exercises that can improve memory and be done regularly?
  • What are some practical techniques for decluttering and organizing a living space?
  • As an expert, can you share some time management strategies that can help a person achieve maximum efficiency?
  • As an expert, what are some mindfulness practices that can be integrated into daily life to cultivate a positive mindset?
  • What are some practical and effective ways to improve mental well-being that can be easily integrated into daily life?

ChatGPT prompts for marketing psychologists

  • As an expert, what advice do you have for someone looking to improve their understanding of consumer behavior?
  • Can you highlight some common mistakes in marketing psychology and how to avoid them?
  • As an expert, can you provide advice on how to use psychology to improve marketing strategies?
  • Can you explain what consumer perception is and how it affects purchasing decisions?
  • As an expert, can you suggest some ways to test and validate marketing psychology theories?
  • Can you explain some common biases and heuristics in consumer decision-making and how they can inform marketing strategies?
  • As an expert, what advice do you have for someone looking to effectively incorporate psychology into their marketing campaigns?
  • As an expert, what are some best practices for using psychology in marketing?
  • Can you explain the role of neuroscience in marketing psychology and how it informs marketing strategies?
  • As an expert, what advice do you have for measuring the impact of psychology on marketing outcomes?
  • As an expert, what advice do you have for building a strong foundation in marketing psychology?
  • Can you provide examples of how marketing psychology can be applied to real-world marketing campaigns?

Money-related ChatGPT prompts

  • What are the best strategies for beginners looking to invest their money effectively?
  • What are the best ways to save money and reduce expenses in order to increase savings?
  • What are the best ways to make extra money outside of a full-time job?
  • As an expert, what are the best long-term investment options to grow wealth?
  • What are the best strategies for budgeting money effectively and managing finances?
  • What are the best ways to increase income, whether through a job or a side hustle?
  • What are the best strategies for paying off debt faster and becoming debt-free?
  • What are the best strategies for saving for retirement, and what should I consider when planning for retirement?
  • What are the best ways to improve credit scores and maintain good credit health?
  • What are the best strategies for managing finances and staying financially stable during a financial crisis?

Make money online ChatGPT prompts

  • What are the most effective and reliable ways to make money online?
  • What are the steps to starting an online business, and what should I consider before launching an online business?
  • What are the best strategies for making money through affiliate marketing and how can I start?
  • What are the best strategies for making money through blogging, and how can I start a profitable blog?
  • What are the best ways to find and secure online freelance work, and how can I start making money through freelance work?
  • What are the best strategies for selling products online, and how can I start an online store?
  • What are the best ways to make money through online surveys, and how can I start taking surveys to earn extra income?
  • What are the best ways to make money through online tutoring, and how can I start offering online tutoring services?
  • What are the best ways to make money through online writing, and how can I start writing for websites and blogs to earn money?
  • What are the best ways to make money through online stock trading, and how can I start trading stocks online to earn money?

ChatGPT prompts for nurses

  • As a nursing expert, what steps would you recommend for someone looking to pursue a career in nursing?
  • Can you suggest the top specialties in nursing for someone looking to advance their career?
  • What strategies would you recommend for someone looking to pass the NCLEX exam and become a licensed nurse?
  • What steps would you suggest for someone looking to find a job as a nurse?
  • What strategies would you recommend for someone looking to advance in their nursing career?
  • What strategies would you recommend for someone looking to manage stress in their nursing career?
  • What steps would you suggest for someone looking to continue their education and stay current in their nursing career?
  • What strategies would you recommend for someone looking to balance their work and personal life as a nurse?
  • What strategies would you recommend for someone looking to handle difficult patients in their nursing career?
  • What steps would you suggest for someone looking to handle ethical dilemmas in their nursing career?

ChatGPT prompts for parents

  • Please suggest effective discipline techniques for children.
  • What are the best ways to support a child’s education and academic success at home?
  • As an expert, please provide tips on how to manage difficult behaviors in children.
  • What are the best strategies for encouraging children to become independent and responsible?
  • What are the best strategies for effective communication with children, including active listening and clear messaging?
  • Please provide tips on helping children build self-esteem and confidence.
  • What are the best strategies for encouraging healthy habits, such as exercise and nutrition, in children?
  • As an expert, please provide tips on balancing work and parenting responsibilities effectively.
  • What are the best strategies for managing sibling rivalry and promoting positive relationships among siblings?
  • What are the best ways to help children develop positive social skills, such as empathy and communication, for success in relationships and beyond?

ChatGPT prompts for personal growth

  • What steps can I take to improve my self-confidence and self-esteem?
  • How can I overcome negative thought patterns and cultivate a positive mindset?
  • What are some effective ways to manage stress and maintain work-life balance?
  • How can I set and achieve personal goals that align with my values and aspirations?
  • What are the best practices for developing and maintaining healthy relationships?
  • How can I improve my communication skills and assertiveness in personal and professional settings?
  • What are some tips for boosting productivity and maximizing my time management?
  • How can I deepen my spiritual practice and connect with my sense of purpose?
  • What are some resources and techniques for overcoming challenges and facing adversity?
  • How can I continue to grow and evolve as a person, both personally and professionally?

ChatGPT prompts for politicians

  • As a politician, what methods would you suggest for effectively communicating with and engaging constituents?
  • What steps would you recommend for developing and implementing effective policy initiatives?
  • What strategies would you suggest for working collaboratively with other political leaders and stakeholders to achieve desired results?
  • How do you balance the interests of your constituents with the needs of the broader public in making decisions and taking action?
  • What techniques would you recommend for effectively addressing public concerns and criticism?
  • What methods would you suggest for managing and leveraging political support and building strong coalitions?
  • What strategies would you recommend for navigating complex and controversial political issues and making difficult decisions?
  • What techniques would you suggest for effectively engaging and mobilizing constituents and building support for political initiatives?
  • What steps would you recommend for improving transparency and accountability in government and increasing public trust?
  • What methods would you suggest for promoting and advancing political agendas and achieving desired outcomes?

ChatGPT prompts for relationship advice

  • Please provide tips on how to improve communication in a relationship.
  • What are the best strategies for effectively handling conflict in a relationship?
  • What are the best ways to build trust in a relationship?
  • What are the best strategies for maintaining a healthy and happy long-term relationship?
  • As an expert, please provide tips on how to manage jealousy in a relationship.
  • What are the best ways to keep the spark alive in a long-term relationship?
  • What are the best ways to make a relationship more intimate and deepen the connection?
  • What are the best strategies for dealing with a partner who is emotionally unavailable in a relationship?
  • What are the best strategies for rebuilding trust after infidelity in a relationship?
  • What are the best strategies for managing a long-distance relationship effectively and maintaining the connection?

ChatGPT prompts for social workers

  • As a social worker, what strategies have proven to be successful in reducing poverty?
  • As an experienced social worker, what advice would you give for handling challenging clients and situations?
  • As a social worker, what resources do you recommend for supporting individuals affected by domestic violence?
  • As a social worker, what strategies have you found to be most effective in addressing mental health concerns in vulnerable populations?
  • As a social worker, what solutions have you found to be effective in addressing homelessness?
  • As a social worker, what advice would you give for successful collaboration with other organizations and agencies?
  • As a social worker, what personal qualities do you believe are critical for success in this field?
  • As a social worker, what strategies have you found to be effective in supporting individuals with substance abuse issues?
  • As a social worker, what steps have you taken to address discrimination and prejudice in your work?
  • As a social worker, what approaches have you found to be most effective in working with families in crisis?

ChatGPT prompts for school kids

  • Please suggest effective study strategies for exams.
  • As an expert, please provide tips on managing time effectively while in school.
  • What are the most effective methods for taking notes in class for retention and comprehension?
  • Please suggest ways to improve writing skills for academic success.
  • What are the best resources for planning for college and making informed decisions?
  • Please provide tips on staying motivated while in school.
  • What are the best strategies for preparing for standardized tests, such as the SAT or ACT?
  • As an expert, please provide tips on effectively collaborating with classmates on group projects.
  • What are the best strategies for improving memory and retaining information in school?
  • Please provide tips on choosing the right college major that aligns with your interests, skills, and career goals.

ChatGPT prompts for teachers

  • Please suggest effective teaching strategies for engaging students in the classroom.
  • As an expert, please provide tips on managing a classroom for a positive learning environment.
  • What are the most effective methods for assessing student learning in the classroom?
  • Please provide tips on incorporating technology into lessons for enhanced student learning.
  • What are the best strategies for differentiating instruction for diverse learners in the classroom?
  • As an expert, please provide tips on fostering a positive school culture.
  • What are the best strategies for supporting students with special needs in the classroom?
  • Please suggest effective ways to deal with challenging behavior in the classroom.
  • What are the best methods for building strong parent-teacher relationships for the benefit of students?
  • As an expert, please provide tips on continuing professional growth and development for teachers.

ChatGPT prompts for YouTubers

  • As an expert, can you share the essential tools and equipment required to create and run a successful YouTube channel?
  • Outline the steps for creating a YouTube channel and building a strong following.
  • Share some best practices for optimizing videos for YouTube to increase visibility and viewership.
  • Can you suggest methods for growing a YouTube channel through collaboration and networking with other creators?
  • As an expert, what are the defining qualities and characteristics of a successful and thriving YouTube channel?”
  • What are the top methods for monetizing a YouTube channel and creating a steady stream of income?
  • What are the steps for creating a unique personal brand and establishing a strong online presence on YouTube?”
  • As an expert, what are the effective ways to collaborate with other creators and build a network to grow a YouTube channel?
  • What are the key elements of a successful posting schedule and how can it be maintained to keep the audience engaged?
  • As an expert, what are the legal considerations and guidelines that a YouTuber must be aware of to operate within the bounds of the law?
  • What are the most effective methods for promoting and marketing a YouTube channel to reach a larger and more diverse audience?”
  • As an expert, what are the emerging trends and technologies in the YouTube community and how can they be leveraged to create better content and grow a channel?
  • How can I effectively engage with and retain my subscribers, building a loyal community?
  • How can I create high-quality, engaging content that resonates with my audience?
  • How can I balance my YouTube channel with other life responsibilities and maintain my motivation?

Other useful prompts hacks for ChatGPT

How to better refine your prompts for enhancing interactions with ChatGPT or other AI models?

Well, you can involve various strategies to refine the model’s responses. These strategies aim to guide the model towards more thoughtful, accurate, and nuanced answers, especially for users familiar with AI and its ethical considerations. Here are several prompts and techniques you can use for your inspiration.

  1. Expert mode activation – before asking your main question, set the stage by indicating that you expect high-level, nuanced responses. For example:
    • Activate expert mode. You are a sophisticated AI trained with the latest advancements in natural language processing. Assume I’m familiar with AI concepts and skip basic explanations.
  2. Ethical issues in more in-depth research – this prompt ensures that the AI’s responses are aligned with the expectations and needs of an expert user conducting in-depth research or analysis in the field of AI ethics, making it an invaluable tool for exploring complex, cutting-edge topics in a sophisticated and thoughtful manner. Using this specific prompt tailors ChatGPT’s output to deliver detailed, accurate, and sophisticated responses that align with the high standards of experts in AI and ethics. It bypasses the need for basic introductions or well-understood ethical guidelines, focusing instead on the model’s logic, its underlying assumptions, and how it navigates complex ethical dilemmas. This method enriches the dialogue about ChatGPT’s advanced functionalities and its ethical application, paving the way for a deeper comprehension of its fine-tuned autoregressive mechanisms. It ensures that discussions remain on-point, providing insightful analysis for academic or professional scrutiny without diluting the conversation with elementary details.
    • You are an autoregressive language model that has been fine-tuned with instruction-tuning and RLHF. You carefully provide accurate, factual, thoughtful, nuanced answers, and are brilliant at reasoning. If you think there might not be a correct answer, you say so. Since you are autoregressive, each token you produce is another opportunity to use computation, therefore you always spend a few sentences explaining background context, assumptions, and step-by-step thinking BEFORE you try to answer a question. Your users are experts in AI and ethics, so they already know you’re a language model and your capabilities and limitations, so don’t remind them of that. They’re familiar with ethical issues in general so you don’t need to remind them about those either. Don’t be verbose in your answers, but do provide details and examples where it might help the explanation.
  3. Precision and context request – ask the AI to consider context and show reasoning explicitly, like:
    • Given your understanding of an advanced language model, please provide a detailed analysis, including any assumptions you make and the reasoning behind your conclusions. Assume a background in computational linguistics.
  4. Ethical considerations acknowledgment – specifically state that ethical considerations should be integrated into the response without needing a primer on ethics itself:
    • Incorporate ethical considerations relevant to AI and machine learning in your response. Assume I have a foundational understanding of ethics in technology, so focus on specific implications rather than general ethical principles.
  5. Comprehensive insight request – request comprehensive insights while acknowledging the model’s limitations upfront, which can be particularly useful for complex or ambiguous queries:
    • You are a cutting-edge AI with limitations inherent to current technology. Please provide a comprehensive analysis of [topic], considering different perspectives and the latest research. Avoid oversimplification.
  6. Background context inclusion – you can ask the AI to include background context and step-by-step thinking as part of the response:
    • Please provide background context and step-by-step reasoning along with your answer, focusing on [specific aspect]. Assume a sophisticated audience with prior knowledge in [field].
  7. Advanced reasoning and examples – encourage the use of advanced reasoning and relevant examples to clarify complex points:
    • Utilize advanced reasoning and, where helpful, include examples to elucidate your points. Assume the audience has advanced knowledge in [area].
  8. Critical analysis prompt – for discussions that benefit from critical analysis, you might specify:
    • Conduct a critical analysis of [topic], considering current advancements and challenges in the field. Provide a nuanced perspective that goes beyond surface-level understanding.

By customizing these prompts, users can steer the AI towards providing responses that are not only accurate and informative but also aligned with the expectations of an audience well-versed in AI and related ethical issues.

Also, I recommend checking these websites to lean more about prompting:


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