Overview of all keyboard shortcuts for hidden symbols and all functions on the Czech keyboard

Overview of all keyboard shortcuts for hidden symbols and all functions on the Czech keyboard

If you want to type unusual symbols on the keyboard using shortcuts or invoke functions using a shortcut, below you’ll find a list and instructions for typing with shortcuts on Windows and Mac. In addition, I will also provide an overview of system shortcuts (keyboard shortcuts) for invoking Windows and Mac operating system functions. Some are very similar on Windows and Mac.

It is important to note that each program you run may have its own shortcuts. Every function in every program can be invoked with a shortcut key, allowing subject matter experts to work faster.

Always look for these shortcuts in the program’s Settings or Preferences, usually under items such as “Commands” or “Keyboard Shortcuts”. In some cases, you can also set up custom shortcuts.

An overview of all keyboard shortcuts for hidden symbols and all functions on the Czech keyboard – quick navigation


Windows – Left Alt Shortcuts (Alt Codes)

How to type a special character on the Czech keyboard?

There is a universal shortcut for characters in the computer environment. To type a special character on the Czech keyboard, do the following:

  1. Press the left Alt key.
  2. While holding down the Alt key, type the numbers on the numeric keypad according to the following table.
  3. Then release the Alt key and the character will appear.

It is important to note that this method works for universal character shortcuts in a computer environment. Some characters may be specific to certain fonts or programs, so you may find that a rectangle appears instead of a character in graphics programs. This may indicate that the font does not contain the desired character.

When using this method, it is also important to note that some abbreviations may be marked as “EN only” and only work on an English keyboard.

Selected Left Alt/Windows Shortcuts. If you don’t have a keyboard with a number pad you can run the number pad instead of the letters by following the instructions here.
En dash Alt+0150 Short dash (Hyphen)
Em dash Alt+0151 Long dash
Compiler to the left of the right Shift
Minus Alt+45 or the top right corner of the dial
Bold dash Alt+22 278
Underline, underscore _ Alt+95 Underline, Lowline
Upper dash, dash above ¯ Alt+0175 Only in EN to CZ = Ż (Macron)
Upper fat Alt+223
Bottom fat Alt+220
Horizontal line Alt+196
Horizontal double line ══ Alt+205
Arrow ↕/↕ Alt+8722 /18 Up-down arrow
Underlined arrow Alt+23 Up-down arrow
Up arrow Alt+24
Down arrow Alt+25
Left arrow Alt+27
Right arrow Alt+26 ENG keyboard only, not functional on CZ
Left-right arrow Alt+29
Up arrow – fat Alt+30
Down arrow – fat Alt+31
Right arrow Alt+16
Left arrow Alt+17
Left arrow – thin Alt+0139
Right arrow, more than Alt+0155
Double right arrow Alt+0187
Double left arrow Alt+0171

Back Alt+left arrow Browser and Windows
Go forward Alt+right arrow Browser and Windows
Level up Alt+up arrow Explorer
View Properties Alt+double-click On Desktop (also Alt+Entr)
Switch Alt+Tab Between active programs
Switch Alt+Esc Between active windows, straight
Close program Alt+F4
Print screen Alt+PrtSc Select the monitor image and save it to the clipboard (sometimes just PrtScn is enough)
Alt+letter Underlined letter in the menu – activates the function
Windows menu Alt+spacebar
Switch language Alt+Shift
Show password not **** Alt+F8 On the Windows Start screen
Full up Alt+ Page Up
Full Down Alt+Page Down
Increases and decreases the size of the expanded Windows menu Ctrl+Alt+Shift+arrows In arrow direction
Highlight the entire address Alt+d In browser

Mathematical Characters
Fold, the multiplication sign ×/× Alt+0215 /158 Multiplication Sign
Fold Alt+0183
Divided, division character ÷ Alt+0247 Same 246 / Division Sign
Plus, plus sign + Alt+43 Plus Sign
Plus sign ± Alt+0177
Smaller/Less than < Alt+60 Less Than Sign
Equal, equals sign = Alt+61 Equal Sign
Greater than, character greater than > Alt+62 Greater Then Sign
Cross, number sign # Alt+35 Number Sign
First ¹ Alt+0185 EN only, CZ = ą
On the other ² Alt+0178 En only, CZ = ˛
On the third ³ Alt+0179 Only in EN, in CZ = l
On zero º Alt+0186 Only in EN, in CZ = ş
Right angle Alt+28
Promile Alt+0137
Percentage, percent sign % Alt+37 Percent Sign
Grade ° Alt+0176 Also Alt+248
Minute, foot Alt+0039
Second, inch Alt+0034
One quarter (1/4 ¼ Alt+0188 Only on EN to CZ = Ľ
One half (1/2) ½ Alt+0189 Only on EN to CZ = ˝
Three quarters (3/4) ¾ Alt+0190 Only on EN to CZ=EN
Logical negation, logical negation ¬/¬ Alt+0172 /170 Not Sign
Slash / Alt+47 Solidus
Zero 0 Alt+48 Digit Zero
One 1 Alt+49 Digit One
Two 2 Alt+50 Digit Two
Three 3 Alt+51 Digit Three
Four 4 Alt+52 Digit Four
Five 5 Alt+53 Digit Five
Six 6 Alt+54 Digit Six
Seven 7 Alt+55 Digit Seven
Eight 8 Alt+56 Digit Eight
Nine 9 Alt+57 Digit Nine

Text Signs
Quotes Alt+0132 Czech quotation marks – initial, bottom
Quotation Mark Alt+0147 Czech ending quotation marks, English opening quotation marks
Alt+0148 /241 English ending quotation marks
“/” Alt+0187 /175 French opening quotation marks
“/” Alt+0171 /174 French end quotes
Alt+0130 Simple Czech quotation marks – introductory
Alt+0145 Czech simple quotation marks – trailing
Comma above right ´ Alt+0180 / 239 Acute Accent
Canopy, inverted hook, canopy ˆ Alt+0136 (EN only) Circumflex Accent
Apostrophe Alt+39 Apostrophe
Ampersand, and & Alt+0038
Release Alt+0133
Drawer Alt+0146 Apostrophe
Fixed space Alt+0160
Split space Alt+255
New line Shift+Entr New paragraph
End of alignment Alt+20
Left round bracket ( Alt+40 Left Parenthesis
Right round bracket ) Alt+41 Right Parenthesis
Asterisk * Alt+42 Asterisk
Left square bracket [ Alt+91 Left Square Bracket
Right Square Bracket ] Alt+93 Right Square Bracket
Left Composite Bracket { Alt+123 Left Curly Bracket
Curly Bracket } Alt+125 Right Curly Bracket
Reverse slash Alt+92 Reverse Solidus
Vertical divider | Alt+124 also 0124
Vertical line, vertical line Alt+179 Vertical Line
Doublet : Alt+58 Colon
Median ; Alt+59 Semicolon
Quote ? Alt+63 Question Mark
Victorian ! Alt+33 Exclamation Mark
Screamers Alt+19
Apendix Alt+0182 Space separator in Word
Rotated question mark ¿ Alt+0191 Only EN to CZ = ż
Character Alt+0130 Comma
Bullet – bullet Alt+0149
Wavelet above, tilde, wavelet above ˜ Alt+0152 En only – Tilde
Split divider Alt+0166
Paragraph, paragraph character §/§ Alt+0167 /21 Same 245 Paragraph Sign
Voting ¨ Alt+0168
Feminine ª Alt+0170
Character , Alt+44
Dot . Alt+46 Full Stop
Upper dot, dot in upper italics ˙ Alt+250 Above

International Characters
Euro sign Alt+0128
Libra, pound sign, Pound £ Alt+0163 only in EN to CZ = £
Dollar, dollar sign $ Alt+36 Dollar Sign
Cent, cent sign ¢ Alt+0162 EN to CZ only = ˘
Yen, yen character ¥ Alt+0165 only EN to CZ = Ą
Gold/Florin f Alt+0131 EN only
Currency, currency sign ¤ Alt+164 Currency Sign
Sharp S ß Alt+0223
Wavelet, tilde, wavelet over ~ Alt+126
Trademark Alt+0153
Copyright, Copyrights sign © Alt+0169 c in circle
Registered stamp ® Alt+0174 r in ring
Sabbath, the sign of the Sabbath, @ Alt+64 formerly Commercial “AT”, and in a circle
Cross/dagger Alt+0134
Double cross Alt+0135
Woman Alt+12
Male Alt+11

Note Alt+13
Note Alt+14
Heart Alt+3 also 259
Smiley Alt+1 also 257
Full smiley face Alt+2 also 258
Pikes Alt+4
Crosses Alt+5
Cars Alt+6
Ball Alt+7
Square Alt+8
Ring Alt+9
Sun Alt+15
Exclamation mark/Screamers Alt+19
Paragraph § Alt+245
Home Alt+127
Inverted wheel Alt+10
Black dice Alt+254

Graphics (semigraphics)
Chessboard – light grey Alt+176
Medium grey Alt+177
dark grey Alt+178
Black Alt+219
Double Line
Box – vertical left Alt+185
Box – vertical right Alt+204
Horizontal ══ Alt+205
Vertical Alt+186
Upper right corner Alt+187
Bottom right corner Alt+188
Bottom left corner Alt+200
Upper left corner Alt+201
Horizontal centre Alt+202
Horizontal centre down Alt+203
Crossing/double cross-shaped line Alt+206
Single Line
Vertical Alt+179
Horizontal Alt+196
Box – vertical left Alt+180
Upper right corner Alt+191
Lower left corner Alt+192
Bottom shirt ┴┴ Alt+193
Top cap ┬┬ Alt+194
Left divider … Alt+195
Centre divider S Alt+197
Bottom right hand corner Alt+217
Upper left hand corner Alt+218

Foreign Letters
The letter u (ü) ü Alt-0252 Also Alt-129
Hook accent ˆ Alt+0136 En only
Thorn Island (þ/Þ) þ/Þ Alt+0254 /0222 En only, CZ = ţ / Ţ
Oeuvre FR large and small (Œ/œ) Œ/œ Alt+0140 /0156 Only in EN, in CZ = Œ
Letter e with accent (ê) ê Alt+0234 En only, in CZ = ę
Capital letter u with a comma on the opposite side (Ù) Ù Alt+0217 En only, in CZ = Ů
Capital letter – hyphen – at (Ü) Ü/Ü Alt+0220 /154 Same 235
Lowercase letter e (ë) ë Alt+0235
The letter a with accent – with a comma on the opposite side (à) à Alt+0224 En to CZ only = ŕ
Minuscule letter c FR – lower case (ç/Ç) ç/Ç Alt+0231 /128 Same ÇAlt+0199 / Alt+135
The letter a with accent – beak (â) â Alt+0226
Letter a-tilde with a wavy line (ă) ă Alt+0227
Voted letter and (ä) ä Alt+0228
Letter ae (æ) æ Alt+0230 En only, in CZ = ć
Letter a with ring (å) å Alt+0229 En only, in CZ = ĺ
Letter edd/Eth (ð/Ð) ð/Ð Alt+0240 /0208 EN only, CZ = đ/Đ
Letter minuscule n (ñ) ñ Alt+0241 En only, in CZ = ń
Letter My majuscule m (µ) µ Alt+0181
Cedilla ¸ Alt+0184 “Tail” on the left
Accented letter o – with a comma on the other side (ò) ò Alt+0242 EN only, CZ = ň
Capitalised and accented – with a comma on the other side (À) À Alt+0192 En only, in CZ = Ŕ
Lowercase letter with accent – with comma on the other side (ì) ì Alt+0236 En only, in CZ = ě
Capital letter a with accent (Â) Â Alt+0194
Capital letter a with a wavy line (Ã) Ã Alt+0195
Capital letter overvoted and (Ä) Ä Alt+0196
Capital letter a with circle (Å) Å Alt+0197 En only, in CZ = Ĺ
Capital letter AE (Æ) Æ Alt+0198 En only, CZ = Ć
Capital letter e with accent – with a comma on the other side (È) È Alt+0200 En only, CZ = Č
Lowercase letter i with canopy (î) î Alt+0238 En only, CZ = î
Capital letter e with canopy (Ê) Ê Alt+0202 En only, in CZ = Ę
Capital letter – hyphen – e (Ë) Ë Alt+0203
Capital letter i with accent (Ě) Ě Alt+0204
Lowercase – hyphen – i (ï) ï Alt+0239 En only, in CZ = ď
Capital letter i with canopy (Î) Î Alt+0206
Capital letter – hyphen – i (Ï) Ï Alt+0207 En only, in CZ = Ď
Lowercase letter e with accent – with a comma on the other side (è) è Alt+0232 En only, CZ = no
Capital letter n with a wavy line (Ń) Ń Alt+0209
Capital letter o with accent (Ò) Ò Alt+0210 En only, in CZ = Ň
Capital letter o with house (Ô) Ô Alt+0212
Capital letter o with a wavy line (Ő) Ő Alt+0213
Capital letter – hyphen – by (Ö/Ö) Ö/Ö Alt+0214 /153
Capital and lower case letter o – grapheme (Ø/ø) Ø/ø Alt+0216 /0248 Only EN to CZ = Ř
Lowercase – hyphen – y (ÿ) ÿ Alt+0255 Only on EN to CZ = ˙
Capital letter z with accent (Ź) Ź Alt+0143
Lowercase letter u with accent – with a comma on the other side (ù) ù Alt+0249 En to CZ only = ů
Lowercase letter u with canopy (û) û Alt+0251 En to CZ only = ű
Capital letter – hyphen – y (Ÿ) Ÿ Alt+0159 Only on EN to CZ = ź
Lowercase letter o with canopy (ô) ô Alt+0244
Lowercase letter o with a wavy line (ő) ő Alt+0245
Lowercase letter – hyphen – by (ö) ö Alt+0246 /148
Lowercase and uppercase a with canopy (â/Â) â/Â Alt+131 /182
Lowercase letter a (ä) ä Alt+132
Lowercase letter c with a comma (ć) ć Alt+134
Lowercase crossed-out l (ł) l Alt+136
Lowercase letter – hyphen – e (ë) ë Alt+137
Capital letter – hyphen – by (Ő) Ő Alt+138
Lowercase letter o (ő) ő Alt+139
Lowercase letter i with canopy (î) î Alt+140
Capital letter z with comma (Ź/ź) Ź/ź Alt+141 /171
Capital letter overvoted and (Ä) Ä Alt+142
Capital letter c with accent – with comma (Ć) Ć Alt+143
Upper and lower case letter l with comma (Ĺ/ĺ) Ĺ/ĺ Alt+145 /146
Lowercase letter o with canopy (ô) ô Alt+147
Capital and lowercase letter l with comma/apostrophe (L/L) L/L Alt+149 /150
Capital letter lodge (Ł) Ł Alt+157
Capital and lowercase letter with a comma (Ś/ś) Ś/ś Alt+151 /152
Upper and lower case and with upper/lower case (Ą/ą) Ą/ą Alt+164 /165
Upper and lower case e with upper/lower case (Ę/ę) Ę/ę Alt+168 /169
Lowercase and uppercase letter s with a crank (ş/Ş) ş/Ş Alt+173 /184
Upper and lower case t with a crank (Ţ/ţ) Ţ/ţ Alt+221 /238
The letter sharp s from German (ß) ß Alt+225
Capital letter o with canopy (Ô) Ô Alt+226
Capital letter n with comma (Ń/ń) Ń/ń Alt+227 /228
Capital letter r with comma (Ŕ/ŕ) Ŕ/ŕ Alt+232 /234
Bottom hook (˛) ˛ Alt+242
Vowel/consonant (¨) ¨ Alt+249
Lowercase z with a dot (ż) z Alt+0191

Czech Letters
Long letter ypsilon with a comma (ý) ý Alt+0253 also 236
Capital/lowercase letter s with a hook (W/s) S/H Alt+0138 /231 also Alt+230/Alt+0154
Lowercase long letter u with comma (Ú/ú) U/u Alt+0218 /163 also 233
Long capital letter y with a comma (Ý) Ý Alt+0221 also 237
Long upper/lower case a with comma (á/Á) á/Á Alt+0225 /181
Long letter o with a comma (ó) ó Alt+0243
Large capital letter with a comma (Á) A Alt+0193
Long letter i with a comma (í) í Alt+0237
Long capital e with a comma (É) É Alt+0201
Long capital letter with comma (Í) Í Alt+0205
Lowercase letter long o (Ó/ó) Ó/ó Alt+0211 /162 also 224
Long letter e with a comma (é) é Alt+0233
Capital letter t with hook (Ť) Ť Alt+0141
Long letter u with a comma (ú) u Alt+0250
Lowercase and uppercase z with hook ( ž/Ž) ž/Ž Alt+0158 /0142
Lowercase i (i) ¡ Alt+0161 EN to CZ only = ˇ
The letter ypsilon (y) y Alt+121
Letter z (z) z Alt+122
Long letter e with a comma (é) é Alt+130
Ringed lower/upper case u/u with ring (ů/Ů) u/Ů Alt+133 /222
Large long letter e with a comma (É) É Alt+144
Lowercase/uppercase t with a hook (þ/Ť) h/t Alt+156 /155
Lowercase/uppercase c with hook (no/ch) c/ch Alt+159 /172
Long letter a/a with a comma (a) a Alt+160
Long letter i/i with a comma (í) í Alt+161
Upper/lower case z with hook (F/F) Ž/ž Alt+166 /167
Capital E with hook (Ě) Ě Alt+183
Lowercase letter n with a hook (ň) ň Alt+229
Hook ˇ Alt+243 also 244
Capital letter r with hook (R/r) R/r Alt+252 /253

Letters uppercase
Capital letter A A Alt+65
Capital letter B B Alt+66
Capital letter C C Alt+67
Capital letter D D Alt+68
Capital letter E E Alt+69
Capital letter F F Alt+70
Capital letter G G Alt+71
Capital H H Alt+72
Capital letter I I Alt+73
Capital letter J J Alt+74
Capital letter K K Alt+75
Capital letter L L Alt+76
Capital letter M M Alt+77
Capital letter N N Alt+78
Capital letter O O Alt+79
Capital letter P P Alt+80
Capital letter Q Q Alt+81
Capital letter R R Alt+82
Capital letter S S Alt+83
Capital T T Alt+84
Capital letter U U Alt+85
Capital letter V V Alt+86
Capital letter W W Alt+87
Capital letter X X Alt+88
Capital letter Y Y Alt+89
Capital letter Z Z Alt+90

Lowercase letter a a Alt+97
Lowercase b b Alt+98
Lowercase c c Alt+99
Lowercase d d Alt+100
lowercase e e Alt+101
Lowercase f f Alt+102
Lowercase g g Alt+103
Lowercase h h Alt+104
Lowercase i i Alt+105
Lowercase j j Alt+106
Lowercase k k Alt+107
Lowercase l l Alt+108
Lowercase m m Alt+109
Lowercase n n Alt+110
Lowercase o o Alt+111
Lowercase p p Alt+112
Lowercase q q Alt+113
Lowercase r r Alt+114
Lowercase s s Alt+115
lowercase t t Alt+116
Lowercase u u Alt+117
Lowercase v v Alt+118
Lowercase w w Alt+119
Lowercase x x Alt+120
Lowercase y y Alt+121
Lowercase z z Alt+122

Visual display of the use of the left Alt + dial combination (for all languages)

If you have a laptop or keyboard that does not include a dial pad, you must activate the dial pad function using the “NUM” key. The letters located in the middle of the keyboard will then be turned into digits. These are shown here in red. Common digits on the standard dial are shown in white (for reference and safety).


Keyboard shortcuts using the right Alt key

The shortcuts below are only available on the Czech QWERTZ keyboard, which is the standard Czech layout. In other language versions or keyboard layouts these shortcuts are not functional. The right Alt key can be replaced by the left Alt+Ctrl key combination.


Czech keyboard shortcuts with right Alt / cz / Windows
Switch @ right Alt+v Commercial AT
Vertical divider | right Alt+w Vertical Line
Euro Right Alt + e Euro Sign
Split ÷ Right Alt + ú Division Sign
Fold × Right Alt + ( Multiplication Sign
ð right Alt+s
Đ right Alt +d
Square bracket [ right Alt+f Left Square Bracket
Square Bracket ] Right Alt+g Right Square Bracket
l Right Alt+k
L right Alt+l
Dollar $ Right Alt+u Dollar Sign
Sharp S ß Right Alt + §
Crosshair # Right Alt + x Number Sign
Ampersand & right Alt+c Ampersand
Composite bracket { right Alt+b Left Curly Bracket
Curly Bracket } Right Alt+n Right Curly Bracket
Lesser < Right Alt+, Less Than Sign
Larger > Right Alt + . Greater Than
Asterisk * Right Alt + – Asterisk
Backslash, inverted slash right Alt+q Reverse Solidus
¨¨ Right Alt+= Macron
Quotes ¸¸ right Alt + ´ Quotation Mark
Change monitor orientation Right Alt + up, down, left, right arrow keys

Visual comparison of the layout of hidden characters on the keyboard using the right Alt on Czech keyboards

1. Right Alt + (standard – CZ QWERTZ)

Here is an example of the layout of hidden symbols on the Czech QWERTZ keyboard that will appear when you press the combination Right Alt + a given character. On other types of Czech keyboards, these symbols are placed differently, as can be seen in the following comparison table.


2nd character map of right Alt + CZ QWERTY


3. right Alt + Czech programming character map



Keyboard shortcuts using Ctrl/CMD

The following shortcuts are active when you press the Control or Command key on macOS devices. The basic shortcuts for both systems are essentially the same. The letter used always corresponds to the first letter of the English name of the function.


Keyboard shortcuts with Ctrl/Windows or Cmd/Mac
Select All Ctrl+a
Copy / Copy Ctrl+c / also Ctrl Insert
Insert/Paste Ctrl+v / also Shift Insert
Extract Ctrl+x (inserts to clipboard)
Search/Find Ctrl+f
Save/Save Ctrl+s
Bold – text Ctrl+b
Underline – text Ctrl+u
Italic – text Ctrl+i
Open / Open Ctrl+O
New/New Ctrl+N
Print / Print Ctrl+p
Back, it actually works everywhere, even in Explorer. Have you deleted or moved something and don’t know where? Then ctrl+z will undo it. Ctrl+z
Action again Ctrl+y
To the beginning of the word Ctrl+right arrow (also 6)
To the top of the previous one Ctrl+left arrow (also 4)
To the top of the paragraph Ctrl+up arrow (also 8)
To the top of the previous paragraph Ctrl+down arrow (also 2)
Highlight paragraph Ctrl+Shift+arrow
Desktop/System Selection Ctrl+arrow+spacebar
Enlarge/reduce icons Ctrl+mousewheel
Switch between browser bars Ctrl+Tab
Switch between bars in the opposite direction Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Enlarge (zoom) text Ctrl+ “+” (plus)
Shrink (zoom out) Ctrl+ “-” (minus)
Back to 100% size Ctrl+ 0 (zero)
Reload Ctrl+r
New browser bar Ctrl+t
Page source code Ctrl+u
History Ctrl+h
Save to browser bookmark / delete in system Ctrl+d
Many functions depending on browser – address-Chrom, search-Firefox, new window with old content-IE Ctrl-r
Windows menu Ctrl+Esc
Task Manager Ctrl+Shift+Esc
Control-Alt-Delete (Security Keys) generally stops all processes, even frozen ones, in PC-based systems and allows immediate system administration Ctrl+Alt+Del
Delete browsing history/data Ctrl+Shift+Del
New folder Ctrl+Shift+n
Copy not move Ctrl+drag and drop (drag and move)
Open folder in a new window Ctrl+click
To the beginning/end of the text Ctrl+ “Home/End”
Open link in a new browser window Ctrl+click on link
Switch back and forth between browser bars Ctrl+PageUp / PageDown

Keyboard Shortcuts with Shift

The following shortcuts work when you press the Shift key.

Keyboard Shortcuts with Shift
Delete directly irreversibly Shift+del
Run in background Shift+double-click
Control menu, as right click Shift+F10
Tasks manager Ctrl+Shift+Esc
Insert CD into drive without auto-running hold Shift while inserting
Shuffles between active page/system elements Shift+Tab
Create shortcut Shift + Ctrl + drag and drop
Highlight all items from the start to the click point Shift + click
One finger function, in case you can’t press Ctrl, Shift and Alt at the same time, when you turn this on you can press them sequentially and the system will expand it as pressed at the same time Shift 5x at a time
Key Filtering – enable/disable to ignore short and repeated wrong keystrokes Right Shift hold for 10 seconds
Close All Shift+click to close
Bulk selection Shift+arrow
Transcription function/same as Insert key Shift+0
Open link in new browser bar Shift+click on link
Fixed bounce, new line Shift+Entr

F1 – 10, keyboard status keys and other keys and keyboard shortcuts

The following shortcuts work when F1 to 10 and others are pressed.


F-key properties on the Windows F keyboard
Help F1
Rename F2
Search F3
In explorer-address F4
Close window Alt+F4
close the current virtual desktop Windows+F4
Reload – update F5
Active state jumps up to address – menu F6
Microsoft Programs Spell Check F7
Boot menu on Windows startup and repair, intermittently F8
Show password instead of *** when logging into Windows Alt+F8
Renew, submit, accept at Microsoft online F9
Activates the menu bar for some programs F10
Like a right click Shift+F10
Full screen mode on/off F11
Save as Microsoft F12
Other useful keyboard shortcuts
High contrast on/off (system completely inverts colors including Windows menu) left Alt+left Shift+Prtsc
Function Mouse keyboard Left Alt+Left Shift+Num Lock
Turn ToggleKeys off and on for the disabled, sometimes it’s hard to turn off, in Settings/Mouse/Keyboard Mouse Features – must be off, and then in Accessibility/Keyboard – keyboard voicing must be off. Num Lock hold for 5 seconds
state keys on the keyboard
Print screen function – screen capture, save to clipboard, invoke Ctrl+V PrtScn key
Scroll Lock, on old keyboards. Now incomprehensible, once a necessity. It locked the mouse cursor into the active window and couldn’t get out.. xi xi ScrLk key
Pause – Break originally from a teletypewriter. Later used to terminate program execution, now used only in PC games. Break key
Text Override Function. When typing, the new text overwrites the old one. No use today. Insert key or Shift+0
Level up in explorer Backspace
Explorer – show all subfolders Num Lock+ *
Explorer – expand / collapse the contents of the folder Num Lock +”+/-“
Magic SysRq key, is a key designed for the Linux operating system, where it is used with the Alt key for system freeze functions. In Windows, it has no primary function. SysRq


Windows Shortcuts Buttons

The following shortcuts are active when you press the Windows logo button, which is always located to the left of the Alt key. Press and hold this button while simultaneously pressing the character listed in the table below.

Windows + button
Show Desktop and Back Windows+D
Lock pc/Lock Windows+L
Action Center/Windows right panel Windows+A
Show Calendar Windows+Alt+D
Explorer Windows+E
Game Bar Windows+G
Share print screen Windows+H
Windows system settings Windows+i
Quickly connect peripherals Windows+K
Minimize all Windows+M
Maximise all Windows+Shift+M
Desktop projection options Windows+P
Start – System/Run Windows+R
Search – System/Search Windows+S
Swap between applications in the tray Windows+T
Facilitation settings Windows+U
Windows menu bar Windows+X
Minimize all windows except one (clear workspace) Hold the window by the bar at the top with the cursor and shake it back and forth a few times
Skip to desktop Windows+, (windows+comma)
Change program window to half Windows+arrow in a given direction
Show all running windows and desktops Windows+Tab
Let the system talk Windows+Entr
Zoom/Up + – Windows+ “+” and “-“
Pupil back to 100% Windows+Esc
Second Desktop – Controls
Start overview of open tabs/windows Windows+Tab
Add another virtual desktop Windows+ctrl+D
Swap between virtual desktops Windows+left and right arrows
Close the current virtual desktop Windows+F4
Print screen of selected only (after 2019 update only) Windows + Shift + S + select by dragging the cursor (saves to clipboard – Ctrl+V is invoked)
System Properties – Basic Computer Information Windows+Break
Change language Windows + browser
Back last language Windows+Ctrl+spacebar

Fn keyboard button (also F-Lock)

A button for direct control of your computer’s hardware, especially on laptops. This includes functions such as turning the sound up and down, turning the volume down, turning the screen brightness up and down, turning the touchpad on and off, controlling music, enabling “NumLock” which is turning the integrated numeric keypad on or off, directly launching Wifi, switching between displays, etc. The Fn button allows you to control these settings directly without having to search for these functions in the software.

Look for the button marked Fn on the keyboard. This button is always a different color from the other keys. Press and hold this button. On the keyboard, look for markings on each key that are the same color as the Fn button (if the Fn button is purple, look for other purple key markings). While holding down the Fn button, press the key with the desired function in the same colour and the function will be automatically activated.

F-Lock is the equivalent of the Fn button on Windows keyboards. The difference is that when you press this button, the desired function remains activated without having to hold the button all the time. Pressing the F-Lock button a second time will deactivate the function again.


Customize Windows 10 shortcuts

In Windows 10, you have the option to download the “Mouse and Keyboard Center” app. This app allows you to set up your keyboard and its functions. For Microsoft keyboards only.


Map of all Windows characters:

If you are looking for a specific character and there are a really large number of them, you can find all available characters in Windows using the charmap application. This tool will show you all existing characters in the Windows environment. To launch the application, press the Windows button on your keyboard – it’s the second button from the left at the bottom, press and hold the Windows button while pressing the letter R. A dialog box will open to launch Windows applications directly. Type charmap.exe in this box and confirm with Enter. Windows will then open the Character Map, where you can simply copy the desired characters into the text using the Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V key combination.

An alternative way is to click on the magnifying glass icon on the bottom bar and type “Character Map” in the search box. This will find and open the same application with all the characters.

Start > Programs list > P – Accessories > Character Map (in English version: Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Map)

Personally, if you need to find a character quickly, I recommend visiting This page offers a simple and visually accurate character search, which you can then simply copy using the Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V key combination. In addition, you can easily find out the HTML code of a given character.


Foreign accents on Windows QWERTY:

The most commonly searched character on this keyboard is the German umlaut, or two dots above the letter (Double Acute Accent). You can type this diacritic by pressing the | \ key (this key is located either above or to the left of the Enter key, or in the bottom left corner – see attached image)) and then pressing the letter. Umlaut will then appear above the letter. For example, pressing the | (or \) keys and the letter “a” will produce the letter ä.


If you need to type a letter with a left accent, i.e. with the comma above pointing to the left (also a backslash) as opposed to the Czech comma above pointing to the right, you must first press the Alt Gr and numeral 7/ý key combination, and then the letter to be encircled. Then a comma will appear above the letter to the left, which is also known as a Grave Accent – for example, for the letter e, a è will appear.


Map of all characters, special symbols and icons on Apple OS:

How to type a character or symbol on Mac that is not on the keyboard? On the Mac, this issue is handled in a very elegant, logical and clear way. There are several ways to bring up a clear application where you can see a map of all the characters and select the character you need. You don’t need anything more or less: And if you use the character frequently, you can choose the shortcut under which you call up the character in the language settings item: Symbol and Text Substitution. And here’s how to start the character application on the MAC:

  1. Click where you want to insert the character. Press Control+Command+Spacebar. And you’re done. Select what you need here. The most used emoji will appear first, for other characters expand the app using the icon in the top right corner. Then select as needed.
  2. The other way to invoke this app is from the status menu. In the top bar, click on the language flag, select “Show Character Panel” here, and then you’re done. If you don’t have “Show character panel” here then you need to add it in the settings. Follow these steps: System Preferences // International // Input Menu // Character Palette / you must also have this checked: Show input menu in menu bar
  3. On some MAC applications, you can bring up this character list by pressing Command+Option+T
  4. If you can’t do that here I recommend this character overview with all the characters.


Picture/image capture options on Mac (print screen)

The following shortcuts show the different options for capturing an image on the screen – the printscreen feature – on the Mac platform. Got it! Saves a .png with the date and time in the name. Multiple screens are saved separately.

Print screen – Mac
Print screen and save to desktop ⌘+⇧ +3 (Cmd+Shift+3)
Remove screen and save to clipboard ⌘+Ctrl+⇧ +3 (Cmd+Ctrl+Shift+3)
Remove active window ⌘+⇧+4+spacebar + click on window(Cmd+Shift+4+spacebar)
Remove active window without shadow ⌘+⇧+4+Alt+spacebar + click on window(Cmd+Shift+4+Alt+spacebar)
Remove selected panel by dragging mouse ⌘+⇧ +4 – drag (Cmd+Shift+4+mouse drag)
Remove selected image by dragging with mouse and save to clipboard ⌘⌘+Ctrl+⇧ +4 – drag (Cmd+Ctrl+Shift+4+mouse press)


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