
Imagine you’re talking to a prospect during the goals and planning call. You’ve introduced the concepts and high-level GDD process. The prospect seems to be in agreement and is excited about getting started with the launch pad website. As the conversation progresses, they bring up more and more pages and ideas for the new site, making you a bit nervous. Which of the following is the best way to gain a better understanding of the scope of the launch pad they are thinking about?

Below is the answer and explanation for imagine you’re talking to a prospect during the goals and planning call. You’ve introduced the concepts and high-level GDD process. The prospect seems to be in agreement and is excited about getting started with the launch pad website. As the conversation progresses, they bring up more and more pages and ideas for the new site, making you a bit nervous. Which of the following is the best way to gain a better understanding of the scope of the launch pad they are thinking about?

Imagine you’re talking to a prospect during the goals and planning call. You’ve introduced the concepts and high-level GDD process. The prospect seems to be in agreement and is excited about getting started with the launch pad website. As the conversation progresses, they bring up more and more pages and ideas for the new site, making you a bit nervous. Which of the following is the best way to gain a better understanding of the scope of the launch pad they are thinking about?

  • First, expand the conversation to also include traditional web design. Second, if the prospect continues to give ideas, sell them a traditional build instead.
  • Assign the prospect homework to review each page on their current website and score each page on an impact scale of 1-10.
  • Pull up the prospect’s top three competitors, and walk through each site while the prospect explains what they like and don’t like.
  • First, send some additional launch pad education and training. Second, assign them homework to send three to five examples of what they envision the launch pad website will look like at launch. ✅

Correct answer

First, send some additional launch pad education and training. Second, assign them homework to send three to five examples of what they envision the launch pad website will look like at launch. ✅

The above answer is related to HubSpot growth-driven design agency certification exam. You can find all the updated questions and answers related to HubSpot growth-driven design agency certification exam on the “HubSpot growth-driven design agency certification answers” page. If you find any error or update in question or answers, do comment below and let us know. We will update the answers as soon as possible.

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