
How to write/type inverse white circle bullet symbols/emojis on keyboard- Alt + 10

May 19,2017 in Keyboard Shortcuts | 1 Comment

In today’s article, you’ll learn how to use some keyboard shortcuts plus other methods to type the inverse circle symbol (text – ) in MS Word using either Mac or Windows.

Just before we begin, I would like to tell you that you can also use the button below to copy and paste the inverse circle symbol.

Circle Symbol Text Circle Symbol Name Alt Code
🚫 No Entry Sign Alt + 128683
😶 Face Without Mouth Alt + 128566
🔵 Large Blue Circle Alt + 128309
🔴 Large Red Circle Alt + 128308
🔘 Radio Button Alt + 128280
🎯 Direct Hit Alt + 127919
🌕 Full Moon Symbol Alt + 127765
🌓 First Quarter Moon Symbol Alt + 127763
🌑 New Moon Symbol Alt + 127761
Ideographic Number Zero Alt + 12295
⭕ Heavy Large Circle Alt + 11093
Circled Division Sign Alt + 10808
Cross Sign In Double Circle Alt + 10807
Error-Barred Black Circle Alt + 10739
Error-Barred White Circle Alt + 10738
Black Circle With Down Arrow Alt + 10733
White Circle With Down Arrow Alt + 10732
Circle With Two Horizontal Strokes To The Right Alt + 10691
Circle With Small Circle To The Right Alt + 10690
Circled Greater-Than Alt + 10689
Circled Less-Than Alt + 10688
⦿ Circled Bullet Alt + 10687
Circled White Bullet Alt + 10686
Up Arrow Through Circle Alt + 10685
Circled Anticlockwise-Rotated Division Sign Alt + 10684
Circle With Superimposed X Alt + 10683
Circle Divided By Horizontal Bar And Top Half Divided By Vertical Bar Alt + 10682
Circled Perpendicular Alt + 10681
Circled Reverse Solidus Alt + 10680
Circled Parallel Alt + 10679
Circled Vertical Bar Alt + 10678
Circle With Horizontal Bar Alt + 10677
Shadowed White Circle Alt + 10061
Telephone In Circle Alt + 9990
⛔ No Entry Alt + 9940
⚾ Baseball Alt + 9918
Unmarried Partnership Symbol Alt + 9903
Divorce Symbol Alt + 9902
Marriage Symbol Alt + 9901
Medium Small White Circle Alt + 9900
⚫ Medium Black Circle Alt + 9899
⚪ Medium White Circle Alt + 9898
Black Circle With Two White Dots Alt + 9865
Black Circle With White Dot Right Alt + 9864
White Circle With Two Dots Alt + 9863
White Circle With Dot Right Alt + 9862
♾ Permanent Paper Sign Alt + 9854
Partially-Recycled Paper Symbol Alt + 9853
Recycled Paper Symbol Alt + 9852
☯ Yin Yang Alt + 9775
Combining Enclosing Circle Backslash Alt + 8416
Right Arrow With Small Circle Alt + 8692
Circled Plus Alt + 8853
Circled Minus Alt + 8854
Circled Times Alt + 8855
Circled Division Slash Alt + 8856
Circled Dot Operator Alt + 8857
Circled Ring Operator Alt + 8858
Circled Asterisk Operator Alt + 8859
Circled Equals Alt + 8860
Circled Dash Alt + 8861
Apl Functional Symbol Circle Star Alt + 9055
Circled Horizontal Bar With Notch Alt + 9097
Circled Triangle Down Alt + 9098
Broken Circle With Northwest Arrow Alt + 9099
Dentistry Symbol Light Vertical With Circle Alt + 9152
Dentistry Symbol Light Down And Horizontal With Circle Alt + 9153
Dentistry Symbol Light Up And Horizontal With Circle Alt + 9154
Benzene Ring With Circle Alt + 9187
⏺ Black Circle For Record Alt + 9210
White Circle Alt + 9675
Dotted Circle Alt + 9676
Circle With Vertical Fill Alt + 9677
Black Circle Alt + 9679
Circle With Left Half Black Alt + 9680
Circle With Right Half Black Alt + 9681
Circle With Lower Half Black Alt + 9682
Circle With Upper Half Black Alt + 9683
Circle With Upper Right Quadrant Black Alt + 9684
Circle With All But Upper Left Quadrant Black Alt + 9685
Left Half Black Circle Alt + 9686
Right Half Black Circle Alt + 9687
Inverse White Circle Alt + 9689
Upper Half Inverse White Circle Alt + 9690
Lower Half Inverse White Circle Alt + 9691
Upper Half Circle Alt + 9696
Lower Half Circle Alt + 9697
Large Circle Alt + 9711
White Circle With Upper Left Quadrant Alt + 9716
White Circle With Lower Left Quadrant Alt + 9717
White Circle With Lower Right Quadrant Alt + 9718
White Circle With Upper Right Quadrant Alt + 9719
Circled White Star Alt + 10026
Circled Open Centre Eight Pointed Star Alt + 10050
Circled Heavy White Rightwards Arrow Alt + 10162
Anticlockwise Gapped Circle Arrow Alt + 10226
Clockwise Gapped Circle Arrow Alt + 10227
Right Arrow With Circled Plus Alt + 10228
Anticlockwise Closed Circle Arrow Alt + 10560
Clockwise Closed Circle Arrow Alt + 10561
Left Right Arrow Through Small Circle Alt + 10568
Upwards Two-Headed Arrow From Small Circle Alt + 10569
Empty Set With Small Circle Above Alt + 10674
Squared Small Circle Alt + 10695
N-Ary Circled Dot Operator Alt + 10752
N-Ary Circled Plus Operator Alt + 10753
N-Ary Circled Times Operator Alt + 10754
Plus Sign With Small Circle Above Alt + 10786
Plus Sign In Left Half Circle Alt + 10797
Plus Sign In Right Half Circle Alt + 10798
Multiplication Sign In Left Half Circle Alt + 10804
Multiplication Sign In Right Half Circle Alt + 10805
Circled Multiplication Sign With Circumflex Accent Alt + 10806
Black Large Circle Alt + 11044
Left Arrow With Small Circle Alt + 11056
Left Arrow With Circled Plus Alt + 11058
Circled Postal Mark Alt + 12342
Halfwidth White Circle Alt + 65518

To type any of the above inverse circle symbols in your Word document, press down one of the Alt keys on your keyboard and type the alt numbers using the numeric keypad. For example, press Alt + 9689 to type the inverse circle symbol text into your Word document.

For more details, below are some other methods you can also use to insert this symbol into your work such as MS Word document.

How to type ◙ inverse White Circle symbol from keyboard?

To type the ◙ using the keyboard you can the Alt code from the shortcode section. Here are the two simple steps to type the ◙ using Alt code from your keyboard. Make sure you switch on the Num Lock from the keyboard and you type the number from the Numpad and not from the top row of the keyboard.

  1. Hold down the left Alt Key from your keyboard.
  2. Type the Alt code number 9689 and release the Alt key.

Once you release the Alt key, the ◙ symbol will be displayed. This trick will work for other special characters also.

How to add Inverse White Circle in HTML?

To add the ◙ Inverse White Circle in HTML, you can use an HTML entity, an HTML code(decimal), and a Hex code. Use the shortcode section to copy the various shortcodes for the Inverse White Circle. Here is the example:

// HTML code example

<span>I am &#9689; Symbol</span>
// HEX code example
<span>I am &#x25d9; Symbol</span>

All the above examples will display the inverse white circle symbol as below.

How to add Inverse White Circle in CSS?

To display the inverse white circle from CSS, you can use a CSS shortcode or CSS entity. Use the shortcode section to copy the CSS entity code for the inverse white circle. You can only add content :before or :after an element: Here is the example:

.addSymbol:after {
content: ' \25d9';
// The HTML <div class="addSymbol">Inverse White Circle</div>

The above example for CSS to type inverse white circle symbol will display the result as below.