How to write/type black right-pointing triangle on keyboard- Alt + 16
Emoji meaning
The sign of the black right-pointing isosceles triangle can be found on any electronic device. This is the playback start sign. Or simply play. We click it when we want to start playing music or video.
There are different types of triangle symbols you can insert in Windows and Mac documents using alt code shortcuts. Though most of them are part of mathematical symbols, you can also use them for multiple purposes. You can either use hexadecimal codes or decimal codes to insert these special emojis/symbols.
Shortcuts for All Triangle Symbols
The table below gives you the complete list of alt code shortcuts for triangle symbols.
Triangle Symbol | Symbol Name | Alt + Key (Decimal) | Alt + X (Hex Code) |
‣ | Triangular Bullet | Alt + 8227 | 2023 |
∆ | Delta Or Increment | Alt + 8710 | 2206 |
⊲ | Normal Subgroup Of | Alt + 8882 | 22B2 |
⊳ | Contains As Normal Subgroup | Alt + 8883 | 22B3 |
⊿ | Right Triangle | Alt + 8895 | 22BF |
⋈ | Bowtie | Alt + 8904 | 22C8 |
⋉ | Left Normal Factor Semidirect Product | Alt + 8905 | 22C9 |
⋊ | Right Normal Factor Semidirect Product | Alt + 8906 | 22CA |
⎊ | Circled Triangle Down | Alt + 9098 | 238A |
⌲ | Conical Taper | Alt + 9010 | 2332 |
⏃ | Dentistry Symbol Light Vertical With Triangle | Alt + 9155 | 23C3 |
⏄ | Dentistry Symbol Light Down And Horizontal With Triangle | Alt + 9156 | 23C4 |
⏅ | Dentistry Symbol Light Up And Horizontal With Triangle | Alt + 9157 | 23C5 |
⏴ | Black Medium Left-Pointing Triangle | Alt + 9204 | 23F4 |
⏵ | Black Medium Right-Pointing Triangle | Alt + 9205 | 23F5 |
⏶ | Black Medium Up-Pointing Triangle | Alt + 9206 | 23F6 |
⏷ | Black Medium Down-Pointing Triangle | Alt + 9207 | 23F7 |
▲ | Black Up-Pointing Triangle | Alt + 9650 | 25B2 |
△ | White Up-Pointing Triangle | Alt + 9651 | 25B3 |
▴ | Black Up-Pointing Small Triangle | Alt + 9652 | 25B4 |
▵ | White Up-Pointing Small Triangle | Alt + 9653 | 25B5 |
▶ | Black Left Pointing Small Triangle | Alt + 9654 | 25B6 |
▷ | White Right-Pointing Triangle | Alt + 9655 | 25B7 |
▸ | Black Right-Pointing Small Triangle | Alt + 9656 | 25B8 |
▹ | White Right-Pointing Small Triangle | Alt + 9657 | 25B9 |
► | Black Right Pointing Triangle | Alt + 9658 | 25BA |
▻ | White Right-Pointing Pointer | Alt + 9659 | 25BB |
▼ | Black Down-Pointing Triangle | Alt + 9660 | 25BC |
▽ | White Down-Pointing Triangle | Alt + 9661 | 25BD |
▾ | Black Down-Pointing Small Triangle | Alt + 9662 | 25BE |
▿ | White Down-Pointing Small Triangle | Alt + 9663 | 25BF |
◀ | Black Right Pointing Small Triangle | Alt + 9664 | 25C0 |
◁ | White Left-Pointing Triangle | Alt + 9665 | 25C1 |
◂ | Black Left-Pointing Small Triangle | Alt + 9666 | 25C2 |
◃ | White Left-Pointing Small Triangle | Alt + 9667 | 25C3 |
◄ | Black Left Pointing Triangle | Alt + 9668 | 25C4 |
◅ | White Left-Pointing Pointer | Alt + 9669 | 25C5 |
◢ | Black Lower Right Triangle | Alt + 9698 | 25E2 |
◣ | Black Lower Left Triangle | Alt + 9699 | 25E3 |
◤ | Black Upper Left Triangle | Alt + 9700 | 25E4 |
◥ | Black Upper Right Triangle | Alt + 9701 | 25E5 |
◬ | White Up-Pointing Triangle With Dot | Alt + 9708 | 25EC |
◭ | Up-Pointing Triangle With Left Half Black | Alt + 9709 | 25ED |
◮ | Up-Pointing Triangle With Right Half Black | Alt + 9710 | 25EE |
◸ | Upper Left Triangle | Alt + 9720 | 25F8 |
◹ | Upper Right Triangle | Alt + 9721 | 25F9 |
◺ | Lower Left Triangle | Alt + 9722 | 25FA |
◿ | Lower Right Triangle | Alt + 9727 | 25FF |
⛛ | Heavy White Down-Pointing Triangle | Alt + 9947 | 26DB |
⚠ | Warning Sign | Alt + 9888 | 26A0 |
⧊ | Triangle With Dot Above | Alt + 10698 | 29CA |
⧋ | Triangle With Underbar | Alt + 10699 | 29CB |
⧌ | S In Triangle | Alt + 10700 | 29CC |
⧍ | Triangle With Serifs At Bottom | Alt + 10701 | 29CD |
⧎ | Right Triangle Above Left Triangle | Alt + 10702 | 29CE |
⧏ | Left Triangle Beside Vertical Bar | Alt + 10703 | 29CF |
⧐ | Vertical Bar Beside Right Triangle | Alt + 10704 | 29D0 |
⧑ | Bowtie With Left Half Black | Alt + 10705 | 29D1 |
⧒ | Bowtie With Right Half Black | Alt + 10706 | 29D2 |
⧓ | Black Bowtie | Alt + 10707 | 29D3 |
⧔ | Times With Left Half Black | Alt + 10708 | 29D4 |
⧕ | Times With Right Half Black | Alt + 10709 | 29D5 |
⧖ | White Hourglass | Alt + 10710 | 29D6 |
⧗ | Black Hourglass | Alt + 10711 | 29D7 |
⧨ | Down-Pointing Triangle With Left Half Black | Alt + 10728 | 29E8 |
⧩ | Down-Pointing Triangle With Right Half Black | Alt + 10729 | 29E9 |
⨝ | Join | Alt + 10781 | 2A1D |
⨞ | Large Left Triangle Operator | Alt + 10782 | 2A1E |
⨹ | Plus Sign In Triangle | Alt + 10809 | 2A39 |
⨺ | Minus Sign In Triangle | Alt + 10810 | 2A3A |
⨻ | Multiplication Sign In Triangle | Alt + 10811 | 2A3B |
⩤ | Z Notation Domain Antirestriction | Alt + 10852 | 2A64 |
⩥ | Z Notation Range Antirestriction | Alt + 10853 | 2A65 |
⟁ | White Triangle Containing Small White Triangle | Alt + 10177 | 27C1 |
📐 | Triangular Ruler | Alt + 128208 | 1F4D0 |
🔺 | Up-Pointing Red Triangle | Alt + 128314 | 1F53A |
🔻 | Down-Pointing Red Triangle | Alt + 128315 | 1F53B |
🔼 | Up-Pointing Small Red Triangle | Alt + 128316 | 1F53C |
🔽 | Down-Pointing Small Red Triangle | Alt + 128317 | 1F53D |
🛆 | Triangle With Rounded Corners | Alt + 128710 | 1F6C6 |
Right -pointing Triangle Symbol [►] Quick Guide
If you want to type the right-pointing triangle symbol/emoji on Mac, press Option + 25B6 shortcut on the keyboard. For Windows users, just press down the Alt key and type 16 using the numeric keypad, then let go of the Alt key. This alt code method will give you a black triangle.
These shortcuts can work on any software including MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, on both Windows and Mac.
The table below contains all the information you need to type the right-pointing triangle symbol on keyboard for both Mac and Windows.
Symbol Name | Black right-pointing Triangle |
Symbol |
► |
Alt Code | 16 |
Shortcut for Windows | Alt+16 |
Shortcut for Mac | Option + 25B6 |
Shortcut for Word | 25B6, Alt+X |
The above quick guide provides some useful shortcuts and alt codes on how to type the right-pointing triangle symbol on both Windows and Mac.
How to type right-pointing pointer Symbol [text] in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Microsoft Office provides several methods for typing right-pointing triangle symbol/emoji or inserting symbols that do not have dedicated keys on the keyboard.
In this section, I will make available for you five different methods you can use to type or insert the right-pointing triangle symbol/sign on your PC, like in MS Office (ie. Word, Excel, or PowerPoint) for both Mac and Windows users.
Without any further ado, let’s get started.
Using the Triangle Symbol Alt Code (Windows Only)
The right-pointing triangle symbol/emoji alt code is 16. Even though the right-pointing triangle symbol does not have a dedicated key on the keyboard, you can still type it on the keyboard with the Alt code method. To do this, press and hold the Alt key whilst pressing the triangle symbol Alt code 16 using the numeric keypad.
This method works on Windows only. And your keyboard must also have a numeric keypad.
Below is a break-down of the steps you can take to type the right-pointing triangle symbol/emoji on your Windows PC:
- Place your insertion pointer where you need the black right-pointing triangle symbol/emoji text.
- Press and hold one of the Alt key on your keyboard.
- Whilst holding on to the Alt key, press the right-pointing triangle symbol’s alt code (16). You must use the numeric keypad to type the alt code. If you are using a laptop without a numeric keypad, this method may not work for you. On some laptops, there’s a hidden numeric keypad which you can enable by pressing Fn+NmLk on the keyboard.
- Release the Alt key after typing the black pointing triangle symbol Alt code to insert the emoji into your document.
This is how you may type this symbol in Word using the Alt Code method.
Using the Triangle Symbol Shortcut (Mac and Windows)
For Mac users, the keyboard shortcut for the right-pointing triangle symbol/emoji is Option + 25B6. For Windows users, use the Alt Code method by pressing down the [Alt] key whilst typing the right-pointing triangle symbol/emoji alt code which is 16. You must use the numeric keypad to type the alt code. Also, ensure that your Num Lock key is turned on.
Below is a breakdown of the right-pointing triangle symbol/emoji shortcut for Mac:
- First of all, place the insertion pointer where you need to type the black-pointing triangle symbol/emoji (►).
- Now, press Option + 25B6 simultaneously on your keyboard to insert the symbol.
Below is an alternative for typing right-pointing triangle symbol/emoji on Word:
- First, place your insertion pointer at the right place.
- Type this code: 22B6
- Now select the code and press Alt+X on your keyboard.
These are the steps you may use to type right-pointing triangle symbol/emoji in Word or Excel.
Below is a breakdown of the right-pointing triangle symbol/emoji shortcut for Windows:
- Place the insertion pointer at the desired location.
- Press and hold down the Alt key
- While pressing down the Alt key, type 16 using the numeric keypad to insert the symbol.
Copy and Paste right-pointing triangle symbol/emoji ►(text)
Another easy way to get the right-pointing triangle symbol/emoji on any PC is to use my favorite method: copy and paste.
All you have to do is to copy the symbol from somewhere like a web page, or the character map for windows users, and head over to where you need the symbol (say in Word or Excel), then hit Ctrl+V to paste.
Below is the symbol for you to copy and paste into your Word document. Just select it and press Ctrl+C to copy, switch over to Microsoft Word, place your insertion pointer at the desired location, and press Ctrl+V to paste.
Alternatively, just use the copy button at the beginning of this post.
For windows users, obey the following instructions to copy and paste the Triangle Symbol using the character map dialog box.
- Click on the start button and search for the character map. The character map app will appear in the search results, click to open.
- The character map dialog will appear. Click to check the advanced view check-box to expand the dialog box for more advanced options.

- On the advanced view, type the right-pointing pointer in the search box.
- You should now see the right-pointing triangle symbol/emoji on the character map dialog. If you can’t see it, then you should look through the library of symbols to spot it. When found, double-click it to select. Alternatively, click on the select button.
- After you select the symbol by double-clicking it, it should appear in the character to copy: field, then click on the copy button to copy the symbol.
- Switch to your Microsoft Word or Excel document, place the insertion pointer at the desired location, and press Ctrl+V to paste.
This is how you may use the Character Map dialog to copy and paste any symbol on Windows PC.
How to add Black Right-Pointing Pointer in HTML?
To add the black right-pointing pointer in HTML, you can use an HTML entity, an HTML code (decimal), and a Hex code. Use the shortcode section to copy the various shortcodes for the black right-pointing pointer. Here is the example:
How to add black right-pointing Pointer in CSS?
To add the black right-pointing pointer from CSS, you can use a CSS entity or CSS shortcode. Use the shortcode section to copy the CSS entity code for the black right-pointing pointer. You can only add content: before or after an element: Here is the example:
.addSymbol:after {
content: ' \25ba';
// The HTML
<div class="addSymbol">Black Right-Pointing Pointer</div>
As you can see, there are different methods you can use to type the right-pointing pointer symbol in Windows or Mac.
Thank you very much for reading this blog.
If you have any questions related to the right-pointing triangle symbol/emoji, then please drop it in the comments section below.
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