How are negative keywords different from other keywords?
Below is the answer and explanation for how are negative keywords different from other keywords?
How are negative keywords different from other keywords?
- They make your ad appear for search terms that you don’t want.
- They prevent your ad from showing for search terms that you don’t want. ✅
- They can only be used for ads on the display network.
- They can increase your costs.
Correct answer
They prevent your ad from showing for search terms that you don’t want. ✅
Negative keywords are different from other keywords because they prevent your ad from showing for search terms that you don’t want.
For search campaigns, you can use broad, exact, or phrase match negative keywords. However, these negative match types work differently than their positive counter parts. The main difference is that you’ll need to add synonyms, singular or plural versions, misspellings, and other close variations if you want to exclude them.
For display and video campaigns, negative keywords are always considered exact match. You won’t be able to change the match type for negative keywords you add to display and video campaigns.
The above answer and explanation are for the question how are negative keywords different from other keywords?
To learn more about Google campaign certification: Skillshop Google campaign manager certification.
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