Hannah is having a sale. In her ads, she wants to include the amount of time left in the sale. What’s the best way to do this?
Below is the answer and explanation for the question Hannah is having a sale. In her ads, she wants to include the amount of time left in the sale. What’s the best way to do this?
Hannah is having a sale. In her ads, she wants to include the amount of time left in the sale. What’s the best way to do this?
- Use the “Countdown” function ✅
- Note the sale end date in the text
- Insert the Google Ads clock icon in each ad
- use the “Sale duration” function
correct answer
Use the “Countdown” function ✅
Hannah wants to include the amount of time left in the sale. The best way to do this is Use the “Countdown”function. This is Time-sensitive calls to action. The COUNTDOWN function can say that time’s running out to take advantage of a promotion.
Customizers with a COUNTDOWN function include arguments, or directions, for that function within parentheses (like this). The customizer {=COUNTDOWN(Discounts.CountdownDate,’fr’)}, for example, includes a COUNTDOWN function with 2 arguments.
Read more here: https://support.google.com/Google-Ads/answer/6072565?hl=en
The above question and explanation are related to Google ads search certification exam. You can find all the updated Google ads search certification answers on the “Google ads search assessment answers” page. If you find any error or update in question or answers, do comment below and let us know. We will update the answers as soon as possible.
Learn more about Google ads search certification answers: Google ads search skillshop.
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