Francis tries to explain to his boss the benefits of using automated bidding. Match these aspects of automated bidding with the benefits they serve.
Below is the answer and explanation for Francis tries to explain to his boss the benefits of using automated bidding. Match these aspects of automated bidding with the benefits they serve.
Francis tries to explain to his boss the benefits of using automated bidding. Match these aspects of automated bidding with the benefits they serve.
- Time saved – Tailors bids to each user’s unique context, using relevant signals present at auction time.
- Depth of signals used and cross analysis – Integrates a large variety of signals and considers new ones to evaluate user intent.
- Auction-time bidding – Algorithmically helps set the appropriate bid for each and every auction.
- Machine learning – Alleviates the strain on marketing resources by automating more manual tasks.
Given above is the answer and explanation for the question Francis tries to explain to his boss the benefits of using automated bidding. Match these aspects of automated bidding with the benefits they serve.
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