Clickthrough Rate (CTR)
This is expressed as a percentage value and shows the average amount of clickthroughs per hundred ad impressions.
Distinguishing what clickthrough rates measure and do not measure is vital. The number of people who landed on a specific site is gauged by it. However, it fails to measure the persons who couldn’t click the ad or landed on the site later on after seeing the ad.
Thus, CTR measures the instant reaction to any ad but doesn’t measure its overall impact. However, some ads might not contain the website information, and people can only land on the website by clicking on them. They are the exception, and in this case, the click rate is equal to the whole rate.
Earlier, only the total number of visitors to a website decided whether the ad was successful or not. However, today the tilt towards more profit-making, combined with enhanced tools to track data, has shone a spotlight on conversion rates more.
Better CTR does not guarantee better rates of conversion, and sometimes the two are even inversely proportional. If people land on a website merely due to curiosity, they are percentage-wise less inclined to make purchases than an ad focused more on qualified clicks.
Click Here to get Free access to calculators for CTR, CPA, and CPM. It’s available in Google Sheet, so it will always be easier to access it from any device.
Helpful Articles to Understand CTR (Clickthrough Rate):
How to Use Testing to Optimize Your SERP CTR
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Designing Web Ads Using Click-Through Data (September 2, 2001)
The Beginning of the End of CTR?
ClickZ (July 12, 2001)
Bizarro Web: Life Without a Click-Through Rate
ClickZ (February 13, 2001)
Are Click-Through Rates Really Declining?
ClickZ (January 16, 2001)
Click-Through Rate, R.I.P.
ClickZ (June 26, 2000)
Killing Off the Almighty CTR
ClickZ (January 13, 2000)
The Cure For Declining Click-Throughs
ClickZ (September 14, 1999)
Escaping the Cult of Click-Through
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