
HubSpot Frictionless Sales Certification Answers

Exam Name: HubSpot Frictionless Sales Certification

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All rights and credit go to HubSpot as they are the sole owner and original creator of the test.


Exam Name: HubSpot Frictionless Sales Certification

Exam URL:


All rights and credit go to HubSpot as they are the sole owner and original creator of the test.


Below is the answer and explanation for if a sales team’s leads struggle to get in contact with their assigned salesperson, which phase of the frictionless selling framework will be most helpful to them? If a sales ...

Below is the answer and explanation for if a sales team’s leads struggle to get in contact with their assigned salesperson, which phase of the frictionless selling framework will be most helpful to them? If a sales Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? most sales organizations are doing everything they can to remove friction from their flywheel. True or false? most sales organizations are doing everything they can to remove ...

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? most sales organizations are doing everything they can to remove friction from their flywheel. True or false? most sales organizations are doing everything they can to remove Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for in which phase of an inbound sales strategy would a salesperson use a lead qualification framework to discover the buyer’s needs? In which phase of an inbound sales strategy would ...

Below is the answer and explanation for in which phase of an inbound sales strategy would a salesperson use a lead qualification framework to discover the buyer’s needs? In which phase of an inbound sales strategy would Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for if you already have a sales framework in place, and you decide to implement the frictionless selling framework, what will the relationship of those two frameworks be? If you already ...

Below is the answer and explanation for if you already have a sales framework in place, and you decide to implement the frictionless selling framework, what will the relationship of those two frameworks be? If you already Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? allowing salespeople to coach each other will distract from their primary responsibility of finding and closing new business. True or false? allowing salespeople to coach each other ...

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? allowing salespeople to coach each other will distract from their primary responsibility of finding and closing new business. True or false? allowing salespeople to coach each other Read article