
Google Creative Certification Assessment Questions&Answers

Exam Name: Creative certification exam

Exam Link:
Validity: 1 year
Total Questions: 48
Time Limit: 60 minutes
Minimum Required Percentage: 80%
Note: You can take retake exam after 24 hours of completing the exam.


All copyrights and credits go to Google skillshop as they are the original creator of the test and sole owner of the content.

Exam Name: Creative certification exam

Exam Link:
Validity: 1 year
Total Questions: 48
Time Limit: 60 minutes
Minimum Required Percentage: 80%
Note: You can take retake exam after 24 hours of completing the exam.


All copyrights and credits go to Google skillshop as they are the original creator of the test and sole owner of the content.

Below is the answer and explanation for the HTML5 enabler should be added to which tag in a creative’s HTML file? The HTML5 enabler should be added to which tag in a creative’s HTML file? Creative certification ...

Below is the answer and explanation for the HTML5 enabler should be added to which tag in a creative’s HTML file? The HTML5 enabler should be added to which tag in a creative’s HTML file? Creative certification Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for where are dynamic profiles located? Where are dynamic profiles located? In advertisers under advertiser association. In the creatives tab when viewing a dynamic creative. In the dynamic content tab next ...

Below is the answer and explanation for where are dynamic profiles located? Where are dynamic profiles located? In advertisers under advertiser association. In the creatives tab when viewing a dynamic creative. In the dynamic content tab next Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for echo re-marketing uses dynamic content from what source? Echo re-marketing uses dynamic content from what source? A feed. The creative code. Custom floodlight variables. ✅ Dynamic rules. Correct answer Custom ...

Below is the answer and explanation for echo re-marketing uses dynamic content from what source? Echo re-marketing uses dynamic content from what source? A feed. The creative code. Custom floodlight variables. ✅ Dynamic rules. Correct answer Custom Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for what tool makes it possible to preview a creative on a mobile device that’s linked to a studio account? What tool makes it possible to preview a creative on a ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what tool makes it possible to preview a creative on a mobile device that’s linked to a studio account? What tool makes it possible to preview a creative on a Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for which two options must be true to use open optimization? Which two options must be true to use open optimization? More than one row in the feed must be eligible ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which two options must be true to use open optimization? Which two options must be true to use open optimization? More than one row in the feed must be eligible Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for what feature can be used to target multiple columns in a feed one at a time? What feature can be used to target multiple columns in a feed one at ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what feature can be used to target multiple columns in a feed one at a time? What feature can be used to target multiple columns in a feed one at Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for what dynamic strategy uses a naming convention to replace numeric campaign manager IDs? What dynamic strategy uses a naming convention to replace numeric campaign manager IDs? Display & video 360 ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what dynamic strategy uses a naming convention to replace numeric campaign manager IDs? What dynamic strategy uses a naming convention to replace numeric campaign manager IDs? Display & video 360 Read article